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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the framework of The Erasmus+ Programme - Key Action 1 ? Learning Mobility of Individuals, the University of Bergamo achieved all the qualitative and quantitative objectives addressed at time of application and approved in the Grant Agreement signed with the National Agency. Particular emphasis was placed on the modernization and internalization of our University, on the potential growth of employment and opportunities for the professional and career development of our students, the development /achievement of transversal skills for our Academic Staff in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning, as described in the programmatic document approved by the Academic Organs of our University in July 2014: UnibgInternational. The University of Bergamo draws its international vocation from the very beginning when it was first founded as Institute of Foreign Languages; in the course of the years its constant growth was accompanied, from 1985 onwards, with the constant growth of students involved in international activities. In fact, considering that the University of Bergamo is a small to medium sized Institution (approximately 15,000 enrolled students), the percentage of student mobility is above average at national level (5th on a scale of 15 medium-sized universities in the Censis ranking for internalisation 2014/15; 12th out of the total 61 Italian Universities, which were ranked for International Mobility, this past summer by the Il Sole 24 Ore). In particular, in the Lombardy context characterized by a high number of universities (both public and private) who offer similar programmes, our University has based its own growth strategy on the internalization factor (outgoing/incoming mobility and also by attracting international students through the implementation of 6 English-taught Master Degree Courses). This has allowed us to maintain the same number of registered students in the face of a general decline of enrollments in the Italian University System as a whole. Thanks to the fruitful collaboration of our partners, we were able to achieve all the programmed activities: 235 students, mostly enrolled in BA degrees, spent a study mobility period abroad; 36 candidates participated in a Traineeship mobility abroad, of which 32 were Master Degree students and 4 graduates; 16 professors participated in the Staff Mobility for Teaching and 3 members of Staff also participated in the Staff Mobility for Training. Our University hosted 114 incoming exchange students for a study mobility period and 15 incoming Professors in the framework of the Staff Mobility Teaching Programme, guaranteeing the same treatment as its own students and staff, both at academic and administrative levels, and by providing support services and monitoring, and issuing the relevant final certificates/transcripts at the end of the mobility period. As far as outgoing mobility is concerned, we provided detailed information on all the opportunities available to students and staff through the Programme and, after the signature of the Interuniversity Agreements with its network of consolidated partners, candidates were invited to apply to the relevant Calls for Mobility Abroad. Before departure, all the participants signed a grant agreement for the length of the mobility period, as well as an agreement regarding the programmed activities (Learning or Teaching Programme). Constant administrative and academic support was provided throughout the mobility. At the end of the mobility, the beneficiaries received full recognition of the mobility period abroad. In the case of students, the ECTS Credit system was used to register credits in the students? academic careers and in their DS, while in the case of graduates, the Europass Mobility Certificate was made available. Participation in the Programme has been to date evaluated especially in terms of employment of our students and graduates. We have noted that an experience abroad brings with it, not only improvement of language skills, but also develops transversal competences (working independently, time-management, teamwork skills, flexibility and adaptability in a new work environment), as stated both by the participants themselves in the questionnaires they complete before graduation and by the companies that later hire these same students. As far as Teaching is concerned, after the teaching exchange mobilities, there have been new opportunities for collaboration with partner institutions (the number of exchange students to be accepted has increased, existing exchanges have been extended to new fields of study) and a few professors have included new ideas gained from their teaching exchange experience into their classes. Finally, as regards Staff Training, the participants had the opportunity to compare work activities and learn better practices.

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