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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was planned taking into consideration the bad present work situation in Italy, in Europe and all around the world. The idea has been to train students with deep and cross knowledge in order to facilitate their professional future. From this point of view, the KTEU Consortium has developed a consultation network, focused instruments and personalized services to understand the beneficiaries’ training needs and create a more productive dialogue with the organizations. To reach this goals, the Consortium has developed an uninterrupted and permanent dialogue to coordinate and manage the mobility processes and enhance our goals. The activities planned by the Consortium have moved in two directions: the management and the administration of the mobility activities and the strengthening of the relationships between both partners and host institutions. The partners of the Consortium have tried to facilitate the activities related to mobility sharing their management knowledge and their abilities and have tried to appoint the activities taking into consideration the capacities of every institution. The University of Udine as coordinator, has been in charge of the general administration, management and dissemination of the project co-helped by the University of Trieste while the other partners have shared some task like prepare the beneficiaries from a cultural and social point of view, ideate surveys, etc. The activities planned by the Consortium have reached both scientific and humanities area students. Moreover, they have covered all the study cycles (first, second and third) and the category of recent graduates. This has allowed all the categories previous mentioned to experiment a traineeship experience in Europe and has allowed some beneficiaries to find a job. The aim of KTEU Consortium has been promote and organize activities with the specif purpose to create long-term benefits for our students in terms of thier future entrance in the work world and in the maintime reduce the gap between academic and business. During this first year of activity under Erasmus+ program, the basis of a regional and European long lasting collaboration have been established. The creation of a shared good practice network and of a constructive relationship are going to contribute at the implementation of an European space where knowledge and abilities are transversal and competitive.

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