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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES The international cooperation policy of CESPU is geared towards to a comprehensive education, the interculturality, the exchange (physical / virtual mobility), the universality of science and research, the "quality" and the European construction of an European space of learning and research and it?s based on the following objectives: -promote and support the outgoing and incoming mobility of students, teachers and staff members, ensuring its full recognition; -promote the international / intercultural dimension on education, training, research and administrative services, which may increase professional, social and intercultural skills and enhance employability; -promote research, by creating strategic partnerships for cooperation and knowledge alliances with local and international institutions and enterprises to develop new lines of research in the field of health; -contribute to increment the demand for higher level training, the reduction of its abandonment, the increment of the offered training programms quality, the innovation in teaching methodologies and the implementation of more effective measures of pedagogical, socio-cultural and financial support for disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals; -explore and disseminate mobility experiences and the results of international cooperation activities. PARTICIPANTS CESPU executed 31 students mobilities for training (11 of them recently graduated), 19 students mobilities for studies, 8 staff mobilities for training (2 teachers and 6 non teaching staff members) and 1 staff mobility for teaching (1 teacher). Out of the 50 students who performed mobilities, 10 reported financial difficulties. Regarding to incoming participants, the results do not report the reality, once the institution received 20 foreign students for studies and 8 for training, 6 teachers for teaching and 1 teacher for training. ACTIVITIES The establishment and monitoring of the Bilateral Agreements and the activities of mobility / inter-institutional cooperation are coordinated by the Erasmus and Support to Mobility Service (SEAM). The process of monitoring and support of outgoing and incoming participants is also centralized in this service which then makes the connection with the pedagogical coordinators, departments and home /host institutions. This procedure ensures a good organization and monitoring of the mobilities, the use of appropriate documentation and the accomplishment of submission and validation deadlines. Students? Learning Agreements are prepared by the Erasmus Pedagogical Coordinators coordinators Erasmus taking into account the European rules set out in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), specifically with regard to the adequacy of the workload and the respective ECTS to the duration of mobility. Concerning the recognition of mobility, it can be said that the mobility activities of participants are fully recognized in the case of students and should be improvement in the case of staff members, especially regarding the teachers who perform teaching assignments. Another very important and positive point refers to the availability of information on the institution, courses, main support structures and even about the country in the institution?s ECTS in a bilingual format. However, CESPU aims to improve the dissemination of its course catalogue as well as the information concerning insurance, visas and accommodation. During this project, CESPU also bet on the dissemination of results and international cooperation activities at a local, regional, national and international level in order to sensitize all the stakeholders to the importance of internationalization. RESULTS The project global execution is 87%, with a performance of 172% in SMP (student mobility for training) and 267% in the STT (staff mobility for training). Under SMS (student mobility for studies), we only executed 43% of the mobilities contracted in the grant agreement and 25% in STA (staff mobility for teaching). The outgoing mobility were carried out in nine different countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Finland. The origin countries of incoming participants were: Spain, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria. At least, it should be mentioned that students benefited a lot from the mobility in particular as regards the development of the so-called "soft skills" and staff members could improve their professional, linguistic and social skills. The majority of outgoing students, and all of the incoming students and outgoing staff members reveal they are satisfied with their experiences. IMPACT Concerning the impact of the project, the mobility activities have shown benefits not only for the institution but also to other individuals and local, regional and international.

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