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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall goal for Stockholm University of the Arts (Uniarts) is to be part of a global context concerning artistic research and education in general and arts education especially. Taking part in Erasmus + Key Action 1 is an important tool to achieve this goal. The project during 2014-2016 has enabled students and teachers to explore new contexts and milieus and it has provided opportunities for qualitative comparison between different leading-edge programmes and stimulated quality work leading to excellence. For 2014-2016 Uniarts had planned mobility activities for two groups: students (studies) and teachers. Unfortunately, the University did not fully reach its goal regarding the number of mobilities, as 5 out of 10 student grants and 2 out of 13 staff grants couldn’t be used. This is mainly due to the fact that the University during this period was in the midst of a merger between DOCH, School of Dance and Circus, Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) and the University College of Opera (OHS). It affected both the support arrangements and the possibility for teachers to engage in new projects. During these two years, the organisation has developed, and is now much more adept to support and undertake mobility activities. However, the activities that were undertaken have all been successful and lead to an increased interest among students and staff to engage in mobility and internationalisation. The interest has also spread from mainly one part of the merged University to the other parts.

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