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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus mobility project 2014/2016 is offered by the University Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, specialized in human and social sciences, languages and arts. The project is made possible thanks to a wide network of Erasmus partners with which the exchange of students, teachers and university staff has been taking place for several years. The aim of the project is to allow the participants to live an experience abroad for a stay of study, internship, teaching assignment, training, acquisition of skills or exchange of methods. These study and teaching opportunities concern mainly the academic cycles of Bachelor and Master's degree. That said there are opportunities for those at the Doctorate level. The goal of the university is to contribute to the construction of the European space of education and research, to render it more appealing and to use the Erasmus contract to improve the university's international profile. In the case of SMS mobilities, 303 students participated in this project. For the SMP mobilities, 60 students have participated. STA and STT mobilities: welcomed 28 participants, for the most part teaching personnel. The contract also allowed, for the beneficiaries, the learning or improvement of a language as well as a more developed understanding of different cultures. In broad terms, the project contributed to the success of the students in their academic career, by both increasing their autonomy and by giving them skills useful in the labor market. In regards to the teaching staff, they too have a lot to gain. From learning and sharing new teaching methods and styles, teachers also see their area of expertise valued in an external environment. They are encouraged to interact and establish new academic ties and relationships with their European Colleagues. For all those involved there is thus a real gain of transversal skills which contribute to the qualitative development of both their home and receiving universities' activities. This in turn leads to a great improvement of cooperation between European universities.

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