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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BACKGROUND. "Virgen de la Paloma" College is a vocational edcation and training (VET) institution, with activities in all the three levels in which are organized the VET studies in Spain: Basic, Intermediate and Higher. The number of students is about 2.400, of which 1.400 belongs to Higher VET courses. The number of teachers is about 170. OBJECTIVES. Virgen de la Paloma mobiliity project is mainly aimed to SMT mobilities for Higher VET students, who performs a traineeship in EU firms that allows them to finish their studies and get their diplomas. The enhanced quialification obtained in this way and the labour market insertion are two important objectives to achieve. NUMBER AND PARTICIPANTS PROFILE. In 2014 call, it have been succeeded 11 SMT mobilities, with destinations to UK, Germany and Poland; 10 mobilities have been performed in the March-June period and one have taken place in July-September period. The participant distribution, regarding their professional profile was: - Web applications developement: 2. - Multiplatform applications developement: 1. - Analysys and quality control laboratory: 1. - Mechanical manufacturing design: 1. - Electronic maintenance: 2. - Industrial mechatronics: 4. Regarding the students genre, they were 3 females and the rest, males. The candiate selection was made considerating its lingüistis skills (english), choosing the students with B1-B2 levels. Students with destination Germany (with partnership of German Chamber of Commerce) developed a presential intensive of basic german languages skills before the mobilities. PARTNERS. We were strongly involved in the process of locating suitable placements for the mobilities and enhancing partnerships. In the case of educational partners, we have continuated collaborating with HEPH Condorcet in Charleroi (Belgium), and contacting with Alessandro Volta College (Italy) and SERC (North Ireland) and Dudley (England) Colleges for starting a similar cooperation soon. In Spain, we have starte a profitable collaboration with the German Chamber of Commerce, whose associated forms were interested in offering placements for training expecting a possible job offer after its completion. Our institution coordinated the process wuth other Madrid region VET institutions. PROJECT COMMUNICATION. Internal: - To our educational community, using posters, advertising and briefing in our video monitors located in strategic points of the buildings, and in our website. - To the academic members, in the formal teachers meetings, School Council and official reports. External: - Through the website, implementing a new section "Erasmus/partners" in english. - In events and meetings with educational / conpanies representants, involved in VET affairs. RESULTS OBTAINED. - We evaluate positively SMT results. In the quantitative aspect, it has been performed one mobility more than expected, and we have not reported incidences to remark. The students were satisfied with te internships and at the end of the proccess, two of them were hired in the same companies they performed their mobilities. - We should remark as a not positive aspect the few amount of mobility grants asigned to our institution this course: in fact we located a higher number of placements for practicum, which is a hard work, and we could not take prfit of this cisrcinstance because the lack of economic support of the rest of students who not were able to cost the mobility at their own expenses. - Techers not were involved this course in the projec becaus the strong work charge and lack of replacement for the classes in the meanwhile they could be performing the mobility. In other cases, a not satisfactoruy english language skills were the key factor. - We value the collaboration with our partenes as a good point to remark in this call project.
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