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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The current project started in 2012; the main aim was to offer to students the opportunity to do traineeships in an European company. This opportunity add value to their studies, since their language skills will be improved. Also it is a chance to increase the autonomy of the student, having to develop themselves within unusual situations. Moreover they have the opportunity to know how is the day-to-day operation in foreign companies. We also considered the students may have the possibility of finding a job in countries where the economic situation is better than in Spain. Adding to these aims, we were interested in knowing the employment market and the technological development in different parts of Europe. All these aspects encouraged us to apply for the Erasmus Charter three years ago. Since then nine of our students and one teacher have had the opportunity to do the traineeships, most of them developing ‘On the Job Training’ professional module, and others doing traineeships as recent graduated students or staff, allowed by ECHE. In the current announcement Erasmus 2014, we received two grants from UE for student mobilities and one for staff mobility, all of them for doing traineeships. It was the first time that a teacher had the possibility to do traineeships. We wanted teachers began to involve in company activities, acquiring knowledge in the workplace where students developed their activity. About students, two of them who were about to finish their studies, applied for doing the traineeships abroad. They had to be tested to verify if they satisfied the required profile: English level, maturity and responsibility degree, flexibility and adaptability capacity, emotional stability to deal with lifestyle and custom changes, capacity for teamwork and motivation degree. Both students got high values in most of these areas. Staff mobility was carried out in summer. One of the teachers was interested in doing a short traineeship in a company where students had been before. He has a high language level and is interested in European issues. Once participants had been selected, they received and signed the documents relating to the grant agreement and the learning agreement; they also received the Erasmus student letter. The high school provided the liability and the accident insurance to the students. The possibility of attending to language classes to practice English and to receive information about the culture of European countries was offered to students. During the traineeships, the Erasmus coordinator was in touch with the participants by email and telephone. The contact with the host tutor was also maintained to verify that everything was correct and there were no problem with the students. Project results were published on the high school website, to inform the educational community. In addition, a short summary with the experience of each participant was published on the Erasmus program website; it was very useful to encourage their peers to take this opportunity. Also, the mobility experience told by one of the protagonists was exposed in the open day of training courses at ‘Valle del Jerte’ high school; It increased the motivation of their peers to apply for a mobility. It should be noted, as a success story, that one of the participants is in Ireland working at the same company where he did the traineeships. Regarding the teacher, he explained his experience to the other colleagues at the high school, being highly rewarding. The impact of these experiences at the school is growing, as this year more students and teachers are applying for an Erasmus mobility. The main impact outside the high school is the transmission of skills and knowledge between participants, teachers at school and local and abroad companies, which means modernization and internationalisation.

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