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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND ANTECEDENTS OF THE PROJECT The IES La Zafra got the ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) for 2009-2013 and carried out then some mobility for students’ practices in that period, in the form of consortium. That experience has been useful so that, after the renovation of the ECHE for the period 2014-2020, the structure and management of these mobilities can be better and more agile, being the participation in the mobility programme for higher education students in the course 2014-2015 a starting point, based on the project here described, as individual institution. Within the framework of the educational offer on this higher level, which includes in our School upper grade training cycles (CFGS) from Administration, Health and Prevention of Occupational Risks, we have always paid a special attention to job prospects and so it was particularly essential for us to take advantage of what the Erasmus Programme proposes. We must add that the scholar education has been involved in the internationalization of academic life, by developing some projects and in addition we aim to involve Intermediate Vocational Training Education in the Erasmus + program, providing our institution with an important European dimension. OBJECTIVES Although the antecedents of our school participation in these kind of programmes has been the described above, we consider this as a start project, which has as main objectives the progressive improvement of the quality of the members, both the firms receiving our students and the schools welcoming teachers, as well as the diffusion of the possibilities of the programme among the educational community of the schools, trying so to gather wills for an international opening of our schools and to be able to offer our students the benefits of this great personal and professional experience. NUMBER OF MOBILITIES MADE. 2 students’ mobilities for company training practices for 2 months 2 5-day formative staff’s mobilities. PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS. Students in an Upper Grade Training Cycle about Occupational Risk Prevention. Teaching personnel in these Upper Grade levels of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environmental Health. HOST BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS MDA Formazione & Sicurezza SRLS. Avezzano. Italia Lo Studio srl. Magliano dé Marsi. Italia Istituto Onnicomprensivo Tommaso da Celano. Celano. Italia Helpingjob Human Resources Limited. Dublín. Irlanda DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES DONE. 1. INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT TO THE TEACHERS in these Upper Grade levels, in the regular meetings held in the school, in order for them to give out this information to their students and to propose their participation. 2. INFORMATIVE TALKS to the Upper Grade second course students detailing every aspect of the programme, financing, commitments, insurance coverage, as well as the selection process, dates, selection criteria and documents to submit. 3. PUBLICATION of the official announcement of the programme (students and personnel) and news related on the school general noticeboard and official website. 4. SELECTION PROCESS of students and staff by establishing the rules of the call 5. CONTACTS AND SEARCH of host companies for the participants. 6. SIGNING OF AGREEMENTS for educational practices with the reception companies. 7. MANAGEMENT of linguistic support licenses. 8. HELP AND COUNSELLING to the students about travel arrangements and conditions, insurance and accommodation details. 9. MONITORING of the practice stage at the companies. 10. Management for the TRAINEESHIP CERTIFICATE and the EUROPASS Mobility Certificate. 11. MANAGEMENT OF STAFF MOBILITY, according to the agreements with companies and institutions. 12. MONITORING AND DOCUMENT SUPERVISION of all mobilities made in this call. 12. EVALUATION of the results by the INTERNATIONALIZATION COMMITTEE created in the school. 13. FINAL REPORT RESULTS AND VISIBLE EFFECTS ON THE SCHOOL. For students and teacher the experience has been unforgettable, both professionally and personally. It has also been highly assessed by our reception partners, which have shown their disposition to continue to collaborate and broaden the number of associates. LONG TERM BENEFITS. The project contributes to invigorate and give prestige to the educational offer in our school as a whole by increasing the present expectations, both learning and professional, of our students; it also improves motivation for learning languages; it adds new social abilities and sets a challenge for better academic results which allow them to take part in this experience, so positive at a personal level. Likewise, it creates new expectations and motivation in the staff of the school.

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