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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MAI is a vocational Polytechnic ( on the fields of Mechanical, Electricity and Administartion and Business. International projecte are a core element of our strategic and anual plans. The wole information about internationalizations is spread by de Direction team to the Head Departments inorder to be transmited to the staff, MAI participates in Erasmus activities such as: Work sxperience for Students and staff mobility for trining. There is one responsible who is in charge of organizing these activities, being in contact with international coordinators from the rest of the Polytechincs from the Basque Country. MAI's information is available on its webside., in 3 languages Basque, Spanish both official in the Basque Country, an Engilsh, information is about the center, training, services , projects, news. Training agreement describes the programme and aboard: konowledge, skills, and competences to be adquired a detailed programme of the training period, tasks of the trainee and a monitoring and evaluation plan are aslo detailed. Teh trainign agreemente is completed with the quality commitment. MAI offers language preparation for students, free English courses in order to achieve B2 level, as a vehicular language. the institution thinks that English is essential for internationalization. Staff also participate in multilateral innovation transfer projects and is transnational networks in order to improve not only technologically but also methodologically. This course 3 of our students have been involved in this program and the results have been so good. In more that one sense, the traininig period was so well disigned, and at the same time, the involution in a new culture and new partners, like other studens and workers.
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