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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

I took up my post of academic and international adviser on 7/09/2015. I did not thus participate in the creation of the project of establishment concerning the student mobilities 2014. I may simply tell you, that myself having lived more than six years abroad, the internationalization of our schooling at ESADHaR will be a major axis of my future action. I wish that the ESADHAR can offer many more scholarships abroad each year to the students in Arts. They are more and more curious and enthusiastic at the idea of discovering other cultures and other teachings. The students who benefit until then from the scholarships of ERASMUS are members of pupils often favored socially. They are mostly accompanied by their parents and family in this adventure and this expatriation. 200 euros / month which we pay them can be only a complement in a pre-existing budget. Especially in the countries of the North (Finland, Norway), where many students wish to go. Near halves of the students left for mobilities in 2014 did not benefit from scholarships of ERASMUS, because they are coming from extra-European countries (China especially). In 2014, the ESADHaR sent 8 students abroad. What stays little, because we are based on 2 campus about 180 pupils each. I deeply wish to multiply this figure by 3 before 5 years. I think that the students should be able to leave less for a long time, but more numerous. At the moment, and it was in particular the policy of my predecessor, the scholarships are "mobilized" by students who decide to leave a half-year, then to renew once the experience. I would prefer to fix to 1 maximum half-year the period of mobility authorized by our school in order to make more world leave. All the students who participated in the program 2014 returned packed. They discovered another world, other artistic and educational practices and also learnt a lot about themselves. It is moreover one of the most striking learnings of the expatriation, for many of them.

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