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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participation in the Erasmus Plus Programme has clearly a huge impact on the policy objectives that our University have fixed for the next years. Our University intend to modernize its institutional, organizational and formative framework along directions which basically refer to the EU Modernisation Agenda. We need to achieve the goal of increasing the number of citizens which possess high and innovative skills to face the quest for employability and high quality education. This can only be obtained by enlarging our horizons through cooperation, exchange of people and ideas, as well as by looking at the need of the future business and labour market. This also implies an effort to define the educational perspectives with other subjects. These subjects are distributed all over the world and there is a need to offer to our students the opportunity to compete in a larger market where knowledge and ability to integrate with each other is a necessity rather than a vacuous ambition. The project has been a key component of the University overall international policies. Its paramount targets were the student and staff mobility, and a wider participation in international cooperation projects, thus in compliance with the guidelines of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020. Nevertheless these objectives were driven by three more general aims: improving the University course catalogue quality; enhancing personal and educational enrichment for students enrolled in the University’s (degree programs); triggering the University’s internationalization policy, as a process of strengthening the importance of the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria not only on the international academic market but also in the regional context of the European Higher Education Area. Several initiatives were put into action in order to promote student and staff mobility, and increase the participation in international cooperation projects. The services for incoming students have been strengthened, outgoing students can count on a consistent administrative support, the information about the Erasmus program have been improved, the mobility culture as personal enhancement has been promoted in the University degree programs. The achieved results are overall evaluated in a very positive way. The University student mobility is a of a well-established phenomenon, well-integrated into the curriculum of the various degree programs, supported by the increase in international agreements. By the comparing with foreign experience it contributes to improve the quality of education. It encourages the building of a genuine European culture in the student and professor community at the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, promoting the understanding of the unity and pluralism dynamics within the European education area and the integration process. It supports the University internationalization, enhancing the building up of education path of joined programs with foreign universities, promoting international research and forcing to accompany graduates into a wider job market than the national one.If outcomes are positively evaluated, however, it is necessary to further improve the mobility of outgoing students and reverse the decrease in the number of incoming students. From this point of view, the project highlighted the corrections to be made.

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