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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Intercollege's mission is to assist students in becoming educated individuals, in achieving their academic and career goals, assuming responsible roles in a changing world of international cooperation, European integration, and interdependence. Our goal is to develop further as an international college, where local and international students, faculty and staff are valued for their cultural diversity. Currently 22% of the student body come from overseas, the medium of instruction is English yet students are encouraged to study other European languages. The curricula aim to instill the idea that in the modern era citizens must show respect for and understanding of other cultures, but also master the skills required to compete in the challenging global economy. By our participation in the Erasmus+ program we have enhanced these goals and have offered opportunities to our students and staff to meet and get acquainted with colleagues from other countries, to enrich their academic experience and appreciate the broader European economic and sociocultural space within which they live and work. At the same time we expect that visiting students and staff will have the opportunity to become acquainted with professional and educational practices in an island at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Ultimately the value chain of the Erasmus+ program will be enriched. Partners are primarily selected based on the different programs/degrees they offer, individual courses and the language of instruction. We look into fields of studies that our students are eligible to study; partner HEIs that offer courses similar to ours so such courses can count towards the course requirements of our degrees, but also HEIs that offer unique individual courses that can complement our programs and yet our students would probably not have the chance to study home are a priority. With regards to the language of instruction we no longer aim at fostering partnerships with HEIs that offer a selection of their courses in English as OLS is now offering great opportunities to participants in learning a new language. Linguistic assessment licenses were provided for learners that undertook a mobility period abroad for the minimum period of two months. This year's overall goals were to increase awareness primarily among students, but also among faculty and staff of the opportunities the Erasmus+ program offers. Of course following awareness we wanted to see students, faculty and staff to take advantage of the said opportunities and use them. The Erasmus+office offered information sessions addressed to students, specialized information sessions addressed to student of specific majors where we secured training positions (hospitality and culinary arts), announcements posted on campus, and the use of technology (e-mail to staff and faculty, Facebook, informative sessions and designated page in the school's website dedicated to Erasmus+. The Erasmus office helped in any practical way to facilitate students, faculty and staff mobilize. That meant explaining how forms were to be filled, communicating with the National Agency, partner HEIs, embassies, the Immigration office etc. Under the scope of the Project, educational material were produced such as guidelines, checklists etc in order to help participants understand their rights and responsibilities associated with mobilities. Also the Erasmus office facilitated the process associated with each and every mobility, while making sure that regulations were met. Intercollege's participation in the Erasmus+ program has assisted significantly in its modernization. At the fundamental level of student and staff mobilities it broadened the horizons of our students and staff by offering them opportunities to get acquainted with other cultures and other lifestyles. Our graduates are more aware of the type of graduates and researchers Europe needs, and this has not only occurred through the mobilities of our students and staff abroad, but also through the exposure of the whole institution to incoming students and staff.

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