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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin was founded in 1948 in Szczecin, in the capital city of the West Pomeranian Province, in the north-west Poland. The implementation and the development of the Erasmus+ Programme is one of the important objectives of the policy strategy of the university and an essential tool for its internationalization. Steps aiming at the gradual increase of the mobility of students, academic teachers and other employees, the extension of the international cooperation with European countries and the cross-border cooperation with German universities as well as the extension of the educational offer by teaching in English in courses in which curriculum in English for foreign students has not been yet introduced are taken. One of the objectives of our project was to develop the international cooperation of our university by establishing new relations with universities with which the Pomeranian Medical University has not yet cooperated as well as to extend the previously initiated cooperation by increasing the scope of the exchange in relation to the previously signed contracts. During the implementation of the project 5 new interinstitutional agreements were signed: 3 in the Faculty of Health Sciences: University of Malaga (Spain) ? course of physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences Novo mesto (Slovenia) ? course of nursing, University of Murcia (Spain) ? course of nursing, and 2 contracts in the Faculty of Medicine: University of Valencia (Spain), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway). Concluded agreements meet the requirements of high comparability of curricula, which decreases curriculum differences and allows outgoing and incoming students to carry out part of their studies abroad. Preparatory visits were arranged for the representatives of our university and the partner university in Slovenia. Academic teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences also gave classes in partner universities. Efforts have been made to establish bilateral exchange of the staff. Employees of the university in Novo mesto were invited, including the professor who gave lectures for students of the Pomeranian Medical University and the employee who carried out mobility for training. In the academic year 2014/2015 we organized 18 mobilities for studies, 21 mobilities for traineeships and 3 staff mobilities. Thanks to the promotional activities that were undertaken, the number of traineeships undertaken was tripled compared to the previous year in which 13 students, 6 graduates and 2 PhD students participated. The number of foreign students from the English programme interested in mobility for studies increased. As part of the cross-border cooperation 3 Polish students and 8 German students carried out mobility for studies at universities in Germany. Achievements and experiences gained during traineeships contributed to the increase of practical skills of students and made it possible for PhD students to participate in research projects. Carrying out a part of studies at partner universities gave students the opportunity to gain new experiences at work with patients. The participants of the mobility became more willing to take up new challenges and able to see the value of diversity of other cultures and deepened their language skills. The participation in the programme had a positive influence on the improvement of teaching staff members? skills in the scope of the development of new teaching methods and the improvement of cultural competence. Thanks to it, they gained specialist and practical skills that are important in their scientific work and teaching, they learned from good practices abroad and they established new contacts. Each of the types of the mobility has a great influence on the development of our university and the increase of the attractiveness of its educational offer as well as on the improvement of skills of students and employees in the scope of health sciences, which is a part of the quality policy of the Erasmus+ Programme integrally connected with the policy strategy of our university. In the conducted promotion the participation of our university in the Erasmus+ Programme contributed to the increase of its attractiveness and the increase of interest among candidates for studies. For the university itself it had a great influence on the improvement of curricula and the development of new teaching methods. This project had a positive influence on the improvement of social and cultural competence of the participants of the mobility and of other persons participating in the organization and operations of the Programme.

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