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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project for higher education had as quantitative targets the realization of three student mobility for traineeship and two staff mobility for training between programme countries These objectives have been achieved almost completely since two student mobilities for traineeship were carried out and two staff mobilities as well. With regard to the qualitative objectives, they have also been achieved, since these students have had the opportunity to receive training at Fortina Spa Resort (Malta) and Noblesse Oblige Eventi (Italy) respectively. And teachers have carried out mobility in companies of its sector, Claudio Erre di Roncoroni Claudio (Como-Italy), and in institutions of higher education, City of Glasgow College (United Kingdom). However, we found difficulties in achieving the quantitative goals, since out of the two students who have made their period of traineeship, only one has done it with a grant managed by the SEPIE, while the other has done so with a grant from the Ministry of education (zero EU grant). In this case zero grant has not added to having more mobilities but it has subtracted, since the students, having to choose, they chose the grant providing more money. As a solution, we ask to extend the duration of the project period to 24 months. In relation to the management of the project, briefings were conducted for interested participants. Out of them candidates came out who underwent a process of transparent selection and under conditions of equality. Information concerning issues related to the calls were made public on the website of the Centre in the International/Erasmus + tab ( and European projects ( Blog, as well as informative panels Erasmus +. Subsequently, proceedings were published and were prepared and completed for each participant, both the documents of the project and the documentation of our autonomous community (Comunidad Valenciana) in a bilingual format. For monitoring, the students sent weekly sheets of monitoring activities by e-mail, once the period of mobility was performed and completed, the mobility was recognised. The preparation of mobility was addressed from different perspectives: linguistic, intercultural, and professional. According to their reports, the participants are satisfied with their experience of mobility in general and in relation to the fulfilment of the principles and commitments of the Erasmus Charter, therefore we can conclude that they have been observed, although some points can be optimised. A short-term impact has occurred in participants since there has been an improvement in language skills, they have also acquired new professional skills and have strengthened existing ones, all of which can result in improving their working possibilities. And at our institution the impact has resulted in the project “Pon Europa en tu futuro. Hacia un mercado laboral europeo” (KA102) and in taking part in other projects whit partners in Europe (Eurovocational +), which has improved the external image of the school and increased the network of collaborators. There has been also an impact at local, regional and national level, since the professional profile of the participants has improved and a group of host companies has been created that are actively involved in the reception of students in european educational centres. Internationally we have attained that our town and region are better known. The results of our project are clearly visible and tangible and are based primarily on the increase and exchange of knowledge and consolidation and establishment of new relationships. Dissemination activities carried out have been: 1. Digital publications: -Web site of the Center [] -International/Erasmus + tab of the web [] -European projects Blog [] 2. Promotional material: posters for the Erasmus, bilingual e-mail noticeboard (Spanish-Valenciano) 3 Media: newspaper Levante EMV or the digital newspaper El Meridiano L'Horta 4 Acts and events: meetings between participants and colleagues, Graduation Ceremony of vocational training. Addressees of all our dissemination activities have been the educational community (students, teachers, parents, non-teaching staff), schools in our area and beyond, also the readers of the publications that have echoed our European experiences and at international level any person who has had access to our digital publications.
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