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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context : School is in rural area, 90 students 2 sections of BTS (TWO-YEAR TECHNICAL DEGREE) History of the project, Few flows The objectives, Development of the mobility of internship abroad for the professional sections of the high school: Senior technicians' section: assistant of Management and Transport and Logistic Services Development of the mobility of training(formation) for the staff with the aim of facilitating the student mobility. The accent being put on the acquisition or the strengthening of language skills in English and Spanish. The description of the realized activities, Realization of 5 mobilities of internship: 3 students x 3 months in Malta May,June and July 2016 Training(Formation) for the staffs from 13 till 17 July 2015 in Spain and 23 on May 26th, 2015 in Malta. Meeting with actors of the mobility: Berlin: in March 22nd and 23rd, 2015, Paris: in January 22nd, 2016 Lisbon: in March 17th and 18th, 2016, visit of internship in May, 2016. The results and the reached impacts : 3 student mobilities of internship. 2 mobilities of training for the staffs Impact: an E project + "professional training" (Logistics, maintenance of vehicles) to come and pursuit of the project E + "higher education" Profits with length-term : Regular sending of young people of the school city abroad for company internships. Development of the training abroad for the students and for the staffs

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