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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project developed between IES Al-Qázeres (a secondary and Vocational Training Education School Located in Cáceres, Spain) and a firm (a Pre-K School located in London, the UK) rose up in order to provide some answers to two different needs assessed at IES Al-Qázeres: • On the one hand, the need to know different procedures in Pre-K Schools (whether local, national or international) providing teaching procedures suitable to the professional profile of our students but, at the same time, adapted to the requirements stemming from the European Productive System. • On the other hand, the need to provide our students with tools to increase their employability, such as the knowledge of different working environments, the increase of their linguistic competence in one or more foreign languages, the application of knowledge acquired in the classroom into real productive environments, and so on. The main aim for this project is to improve the advance vocational education and training students through the accomplishment of different internships held in European firms related to their professional profile. Consequently, this implies the improvement of their linguistic competence in a foreign language, and the increase of the technical knowledge related to their professional profile. As a result, this will also provide them with an increase in their autonomous competence for their inclusion in production environments. One of the students from the Pre-K Advance Education Vocational Training was the one selected to benefit from the mobility experience awarded to our Institution. She accomplished an internship in Auden Place Community Nursery, a firm located in London, the UK. The tasks accomplished by our student were the ones described on the learning agreement. Such agreement was thoroughly analyzed and discussed between the firm in London and our Institution, IES AL-Qázeres and all of the learning instances described in the agreement refer to the educational attention provided to boys and girls between 0 and 3 years old. The results obtained from this project have been utterly satisfactory. Moreover, the assessment on the experience (both on the side of our student and on the side of the welcoming Institution) has been really positive to the extent that our student was offered a working contract when she finished her internship period at Auden Place Community Nursery. Besides, this project has also entailed the exchange of experiences and professional procedures between both Institutions, something which has enriched our educational environments because both institutions, either IES AL-Qázeres either Auden Place Community Nursery, lacked previous experiences in mobility projects; so, consequently, it has had great impact on our Institution because we are currently on the search for more International experiences. On the long run, at our Institution, we firmly believe this project will keep and even increase its positive outcomes as has already been confirmed; for the applications on the side of our students to participate in European mobility programmes have increased during the current academic year, and we are sure this is so because of the positive evaluation our students have done of the project as well as because of the proper diffusion and dissemination of the project the students and the teachers have done around our sphere of influence.
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