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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the ESAD of Asturias, we have been working on the internationalization policy relatively short time,because we are a newly established school. From the beginning we have invested heavily to expand our international presence, disseminating our students by higher education institutions in Europe and attracting students to ours. The particularity of our studies Dramatic Art and the absence of specific legislation for us, difficult the work, but no low the quality. Our objectives were: -Settle our international presence in partner institutions, increasing the number of mobilities, the quality of these reports and the benefit to students and the institution. Develop a dissemination strategy of teaching and mobility in the international framework for the benefit of society, the students and participating institutions. -Extend the horizon of agreements between institutions, laying the foundations for a future project in the field K2. -Analyze the number of mobilities, quality and establish an ideal opportunity for mobility and quality balance is the optimal number. We have made 4 mobilities outgoing SMS covering all partner institutions and one STA mobility. SMS mobilities have made a great success, as demonstrated academic achievement and artistic involvement in projects of the host institution has been remarkable. Our studies allow the acting experience of our students in other countries, theaters and other public culture. The profile of the participants is unique in our institution. They are actors / actresses with specific training and a practical necessity for their own training. The activity ranging from school attendance until the completion of a show and its realization in different theatrical spaces. The STA mobility was a request from the host institution in which curriculum, Clown technique is not included. Our teacher Clown made a practical classes in this institution and it was a positive to visibility our studies program. Mobilities results have been excellent, as has conditioned a positive impact by creating benefits in the short and long term. In short, in the interest of students of these institutions to come to ours, a fact that is already taking place in the academic year 2015/2016. With the creation of agreements between our institution and European professionals to share our graduates trainees for companies, a situation that is already taking place in the academic year 2015/2016. A long with the start a K2 project between three partner institutions. The increased visibility of our European influence further increase bilateral agreements. One of the objectives, dissemination strategies, are being developed intensively in our institution. By creating a blog, still in progress, we will disseminate information of our mobility, the Erasmus experience as part of academic life and its impact on our social sphere. In addition, the inclusion of this information in the local media and all or our advertisements and merchandising. With the results we have come to a first conclusion it is that the quality of mobility depending on the number of them is optimal, and can increase without prejudice in them. On the other hand, the reality of our institution is unique, because the number of students who chose a scholarship Erasmus and is assigned 100%, that is, no one was left out. This is due to the limited number of students in these studies. Another thing to note is the work being done in Artistic department , and more specifically in the area of ​​international relations. The staff is dedicated to this teaching staff, with cumulative workload and performs this work for the good of the institution and the advantage that students can gain from this experience.
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