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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Escuela Superior de Arte del Principado de Asturias (ESAPA) provides since 2002 degree-level artistic studies which are organized into the following disciplines: ? Graphic and Product Design ? Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Document specializations. ESAPA has participated in mobility activities under the PAP framework since 2009, involving both students, for study periods and traineeships, and staff, for teaching and training periods The main objectives of the Escuela Superior de Arte del Principado de Asturias (ESAPA) Erasmus Mobility Project 2014-15 were: ? To promote partnerships and cooperation with business and public/private organizations in order to stablish interinstitutional agreements to favour the internationalisation of our institution to guarantee that students and staff can add a working experience to their personal curriculum. ? To integrate the learning mobility into our curricula. ? To apply an academic credit transfer system (ECTS) to guarantee the quality of mobility activities and transparency of recognition procedures. ? To encourage our staff´s mobility for academic and training activities at other institutions and organizations (public and private) at the European Union countries ? To improve our website to give access to the curricula of the disciplines and specializations of the studies offered and about the academic and cultural activities carried out at our institution. ? To favour the visiting students? incorporation and integration by means of intensive courses of Spanish, as well as helping out with their accommodation and their integration in the socio-cultural background of our city. Number and profile of participants A total number of 7 student mobilities have been carried out (3 study periods, 4 traineeships). For the first time, 2 recent graduates have beneficiated from a working period abroad. Description of activities ? Renewal of the institution website (, including a new Erasmus+ section. ? Development of new materials and information about specific calls for selection of SM and ST participants, as well as new academic information guide for incoming students. ? Signature of new inter-institutional academic agreements ? Establishment of cooperation agreements with public and private institutions to accommodate students for traineeships. ? Renewal of the institution website (, including a new Erasmus+ section. ? Development of new documents and information about specific calls for selection of SM and ST participants, as well as a new academic information guide for incoming students. ? Dissemination of our mobility activities under the Erasmus+ Programme: o Information meetings with prospective Erasmus students and staff o Presentation of Erasmus experiences during the ESAPA Open Days 2015. o News in printed and digital publications, including local newspapers. o Promotion of Erasmus experiences through social media Outcomes ? Consolidation of agreements with our partners in the framework of the Erasmus program ? Establishment of new agreements, including projects with Italian public and private institutions in the field of restoration and conservation of cultural property for students traineeships: ? Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana (Centro di Restauro) Via della Pergola 65 - Firenze. ? Veneto Institute for Cultural Heritage, San Polo 2454 / a 30125 Venice ? Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici, Paccagnini Piazza, 3 46100 MANTOVA ? Consolidation of the average number of mobility activities per year, all financed with EU funds. ? Implementation of a mentoring program of Erasmus incoming students. Volunteer students from ESAPA are awarded ECTS credits for providing support and guidance to students from abroad during their study period at our institution.
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