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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project consists of a group of mobility actions within the Erasmus+ Programme, strategic action KA103, for students and staff alike involving studies, internships, teaching and training. This project fleshes out in the following categories and number of mobilities: 1500 months financed for student mobility for studies and 922 months for scholarship 0; 24,26 months financed for student mobility for traineeships and 1 non-financed month; 47 staff mobilities for teaching; and 20 staff mobilities for training. In order to implement this project we have collaborated with a high and consolidated number of European partner institutions (325). The main action has been that of student mobility for studies with a view to enrolling in, preferably, undergraduate studies at countries belonging to our European partners network. In the present edition University of Jaén has sent a total of 319 students to 21 countries within the Erasmus+ geographical context. The institutions which have hosted the greatest number of our students are Kore University of Enna, University of Calabria, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, University of Salento, University of Maribor and Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan. In the different phases of information, selection, proposal and management of the mobilities, European guidelines for the recognition of studies through an academic contract (learning agreement) have been followed, together with the principles of security, merit and competition both in the identification/selection of eligible candidates and in the processes of credit recognition derived from the different periods of academic mobility. Previous training in foreign languages has also been considered, together with information/training concerning preparation for mobility through teaching sessions, transference of good practices, strengthening of the academic network of coordinators/informants who orientate students, strengthening of the internal processes for the administration of mobility programmes, and improvement of the digital information systems for the management of the project and of the communication of the results both internally and to the society in general. Special attention has also been paid to processes of staff mobility for teaching and training, thus reaching high mobility figures in relative terms if compared with our university size. In these processes we have intensified our efforts to improve the information/training received by our university staff members before and after their mobility, as well as consolidated the staff selection mechanisms in consideration of objective criteria specified in public calls.
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