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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project "Goi Heziketa 2014" aimed at 66 young students of Higher Vocational Training Centers, university students and recent graduates of the Basque Country. The proposal includes the following partners: -Confebask, As the coordinator. -Vocational Training Schools and universities, both public and private, as sending institutions. -The Department of Education of the Basque Government and the Provincial Councils as-Institutional co-financing partners. -Intermediary organizations and host organizations in different European countries. The objectives and results are achieving meet the following needs of the participants in this proposal: -Improved Practical training, to supplement the theoretical training acquired in their training center. Provide participants practical training through stays of several months in companies of Europe; enabling thus obtaining the diploma through the recognition of the stay by the module Training at Work or FCT; and / or credits agreed in the curriculum at the university. These placements have been developed for vocational students between March and June 2015; and for university students and recent graduates throughout the project eligibility period 2015 and 2016. -Improved Language skills: (Italian / Portuguese / English ... etc) Learning and / or improvement of one or more languages: general and technical knowledge concerning their professional field .-> by OLS platform -Improvement of professional skills: Participants acquire skills and abilities terminals established in the training program, which enable them to perform their profession. Developing a range of skills or skills needed for incorporation into active life. -Improved Their cultural and personal skills: This is, in many cases, the first experience and stay abroad, which means personal maturity. To live in a multicultural environment, it involves the acquisition of a spirit of adaptation to different social-cultural situations, plus a huge cultural enrichment. Confebask has been active for more than 15 years in European mobility projects with an accumulated wealth of more than 1300 placements in what students of vocational training is concerned. management by processes is used, through a continuous improvement methodology directly managed by Confebask, and applied to all our projects. A Web management tool is established, as the fundamentaal axis in the management, being the main channel of communication between partners. Through this website, the sending institutions send to Confebask their students-candidates. It is performed the selection of participants, and especially, becomes the key to monitoring and mentoring of the placements, once started placements abroad. Also, this tool is essential for economic management of the project itself led by the coordinator. Confebask as project coordinator, supported in its initial phase (October 2014 - February 2015) to the sending institutions and to their tutors, selecting the best participants and to define the skills to develop in host companies. During the placements period, it has been followed up, with the support of intermediary organizations (where they exist) and the host organizations in the country of destination, which managed the accommodation and reception of participants, and performed tasks follow-through methodology defined by Confebask: LEARNING tO LEARN. In the final phase (July-October 2015) Confebask as coordinator prepare the final evaluation of the project, for the students on Initail Vocational Training, also to the instructors (of host organizations) and tutor (of sending institutions) . For university students and recent graduates, the final evaluation realized as soon as the placements has finished. The overall project evaluation is performed in the months of May-June 2016 and after completion of all placements and in order to prepare the final report for the SEPIE.

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