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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1.- Context and background to the project Our center from the 2009-2010 academic projects carried out under the Erasmus program, PAP before and since last year Erasmus +, for both students and teachers. More than 50 students and 20 teachers have made European mobility. Each year we have grown in projects and beneficiaries. We currently have two projects in School Education, a project in FP and this in Higher Education. 2. Objectives In our school project we include the following objectives within our dimension internacionalization: A. Increase the number of students and teachers every year to perform mobility outside Spain. B. Increasing the quality of teacher education to impact on our students and leave better prepared to compete in the labor market. C-Strengthen theoretical knowledge with practical work in a real environment in another country, providing an opportunity for students and teachers to enrich the experience of living in another country and culture that will enrich your personality, professionalism and level academic, encouraging adaptability to different work environments and helping to establish intercultural ties between the member countries of the European Union. D. Increase agreements with companies and institutions, beyond mobility: exchange of information, processes, machinery, experiences, etc. 3. Number and profile of participants In this project a total of 12 beneficiaries: 11 students and one teacher mobilities have been made. The profile of the students are 90% of the field of Information Technology and 10% in Administration and Busines. The field in platform application development is the greatest demand is because the labor market in this sector is well developed in Europe and very well accepted intership with students. The beneficiary of this branch has also conducted teacher mobility in Germany where we are opening our borders for training and practice in this sector. 4-Description of the activities carried out. Regarding practices in the workplace, in every company the students have done previously planned activities in the training, students of Informatic-related tasks have been made application development in various fields, databases, websites, etc. ,, management and administrative tasks in a private university. Companies are generally the first time we work with, except one with which we have been collaborating. Teacher mobility has consisted of observation of the methodology used in the German vocational training center in the area of ​​information and education system of vocational training in Germany. 5. Results and impact obtained and expected long-term benefits. Thanks to this project beneficiary students have found jobs in Spain and in Europe, the degree of employment has been much higher than students who did their FCT in Spain, actually 4 students have worked or are working in the destination countries their mobility, and the rest have found jobs in Spain by 80%. The teacher who performed the job shadow in Germany, has included in its programming innovative methodological issues met through mobility, and the training center wants to make us an exchange for students and teachers in the near future. This year our center has overflowed in registration applications because they offer practices with Erasmus +, and the benefits that entails.

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