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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The current mobility project of University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (2014) involves students, teachers and administrative staff as main beneficiaries. This Project is implemented in line with common strategy internationalization of University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin. The aim of the project is to maintain sustainable mobility of students and staff to achieve knowledge, experience and know-how exchange across EU in areas relevant to their professional/study programmes. Specific objectives have been defined for specific mobility groups: 1) for teaching mobilities: - lecturers' professional and personal development - promotion of transnational cooperation, development and expansion of the universitie’s network - strengthening the European dimension of university education and the host university; - testing of lecturer’s courses in the international environment; - dissemination of knowledge and know-how to students that do not wish or are unable to study abroad - promotion of exchange of experience related to expert knowledge, experience and teaching methods and approaches in the specific education area - other specific to the professional needs of the teacher 2) for training mobilities: - transfer of knowledge and good practices, which are relevant to their current job and their professional development - learning from shared experience - acquiring of new practical skills - discovery of new ideas for professional development 3) for study mobilities - to facilitate academic progress of the students - to enhance acquisition of intercultural skills and self-reliance of students. - to obtain educational and cultural experiences as well as to improve their language skills - to enrich the development of their interpersonal skills. 4) for internship mobilities - to broaden their professional training curriculum by working abroad - to enhance acquisition of intercultural skills and self-reliance of students. - to obtain educational and cultural experiences as well as to improve their language skills - to enrich the development of their interpersonal skills. After the finishing of the mobilities students and teachers met with the colleges within own departments and described their experience. It has given positive impact to students and teachers, who perceived the value of international teaching and training which enable international contacts, specific know-how and new information, which can be used within own professional/study activities to enhance personal and institutional professional development. For example, administrative worker who participated in the training, transferred acquired knowledge to co-workers, teachers caught the contacts with international colleagues and develop scientific cooperation with them, graduates acquired first professional experience, which gave her the better job opportunity in local labour market; students study mobility is incorporated in her study program with assigned ECTS.
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