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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University "Parthenope", is proposed as an element of continuity between the historical and cultural tradition of the "Regio Istituto Superiore Navale" from which the university had its origin and the modern, integrated in the international context. Our staff of nationally and internationally known academics is dedicated to maintaining and developing our reputation for teaching and research. We launched different academic programs for students of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral levels under the seven Departments that since their recent institution are operating for offering education in all disciplines that are indispensable for the new generations who need to be competitive in the world. The EU’s ERASMUS programme has enabled over 2 million students to be mobile within Europe. The number of students who participate in the programme has been constantly increasing. Parthenope University followed this trend: during academic year 2014/2015, 48 students received grants for studying (32 students for studying in 2013/2014) and 2 for being trained abroad. Spain is the leading destination (37,20%) for our students in the Erasmus exchange scheme; our statistics put Spain ahead of France (20,83%), Germany (8,33%) and “ex aequo” (6,25%) Austria, Lettonia, Lituania. The other Countries preferred by our students are Romania (4,17%) and Slovacchia (4,17%) and the UK (2,08%). The Departments chose with care the cooperation between partner Institutions: these partners have a common aim to improve the quality and results of their work for the students. The result of this politics has been satisfying. Parthenope Universty worked to achieve goals for all incoming and outgoing Erasmus Students so that they will be successful in their studies and will also enjoy living and working with the other students. The Erasmus programme gives students and staff opportunities to develop their skills and boost their employment prospects.

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