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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

…”Convinced that, thus “united in its diversity”, Europe offers them the best chance of pursuing, with due regard for the rights of each individual and in awareness of their responsibilities towards future generations and the Earth, the great venture which makes of it a special area of human hope,…" TREATY ESTABLISHING A CONSTITUTION FOR EUROPE. PREAMBLE. Instituto Cuatrovientos Soc. Coop is a Higher Education Organization related to Trade and Marketing, Computing and Accountancy and Finance Degrees. It depends on the Government of Navarra (Education Department), and offers a High Quality Teaching System , trying to fill in up all the managerial and personal needs the young people find when start working and focusing on developing the professional and personal skills towards getting into the labour world. In order to seek the continuous improvement and development, we have adopted the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) system, having been rewarded with the +500 Stamp Award. Its main target is involved in the process of improving not only the academic but also the personal competences, and tries to develop students’ skills. This Project represents the culmination of this training stage in which the personal and academic competences are on the same level. This project will take place in both the theoretical and practical aspect: Theory: acquisition of linguistic content, business and financial content, as well as personal preparation to mobility. Practical: Professional training in the host country, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France, managed by the respective tutors. The objectives of the project are: -The Improvement in student employability, thanks to quality learning through an innovative methodology and a clear and necessary European dimension as an engine of the Project -Key Competence Development: adapting to change, development of individual and group strategies, conflict resolution and needs, teamwork ...., all through the development of skills in business management. -Acquisition of practical experience in Europe with the benefits in personal and professional skills thanks to mobility. The different stages of project are: 1): The International Project Management Team, and the Department of Social and Labour Guidance identify a series of needs to be carried out in accordance with the objectives previously agreed as well as the Project Profile he objectives and lines of work according to these profiles Collaboration Agreement with partners, in which the actions, objectives, activities,timing,communication, documentation, are established. Phase 2: Project Coordinators and the Responsible for Mobility complete the Application Form. Develop a work plan and its timing to start work.Once approved, we met with all second course students of higher cycles to inform them of the program and its requirements: - Knowledge of the language of the destination country - Academic record. Average of 1st and 2nd year 1st evaluation marks - Assessment of Key Competences: teachers assess their ability to work in teams, their attitude towards superiors and to their dependents, enthusiasm and responsibility towards work ... etc. Europe needs people trained in a comprehensive manner, active workers who take responsibility for work and people and all in an atmosphere of respect and collaboration. We give them the application form which must attach the CV and the letter, official language certificates.... Phase 3: Assessment.Evaluation of language level and their Key Competences.Then we publish this overall assessment results Phase 4: Acceptance of applicants. To accept their commintment with the project and sign the Commitment document with the sending institution. Phase 5: Using the OLS (Online Linguistic Support) tool by participants. Phase 6: Internship.They will have to contact weekly with the tutor via mail, telephone, skype or the Moodle Platform Erasmus Training. They will prepare the Weekly Reports,the Final Evaluation and the Training Agreement After Mobility with the host partner. Phase 7: Project Evaluation: Implementation of the Final Report and identify areas for improvement. Delivery of documentation Phase 8: Publicity Campaign of projects through our website, blog, Facebook, mass media, Fairs of Students... Regarding collaboration with other partners, we are intermediary partners for OSZIMT Berlin institute, lead a project with a Higher education Centre in Pau (France) and one with a centre in San Juan de Luz (France), and we have a network of more than 500 companies collaborating with us both in our community as well as abroad.

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