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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the participation in ERASMUS+ was to mobilize students and staff to go abroad. We successfully applied for and carried out mobilities of students to partner institutions (SMS), students to internships (SMP), staff for teaching mobility (STA) as well as staff for work shadowing or participation in international weeks (STT). As most of our students do their international internship semester in Switzerland which cannot be funded any longer, the absolute number of SMP mobilities dropped in comparision to the numbers that we wanted to achieve. SMS mobility increased, STA and STT took place as planned. No single parent or disabled student applied for ERASMUS funds. 9 students and one staff person has an immigration background. All participants increased both their language knowledge as well as their intercultural competences which will significantly help them in an international work environment. Collaboration with our partner universities were strenghtened.
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