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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The university of music and performing arts Stuttgart realized 13 mobilities in the project year 2014. Most of the mobilities took place in Poland, France and Latvia. Besides these countries, also the southern european countries such as Spain and Italy as well as Scandinavien countries were visited for teaching and exchange activities.The lecture time of our sent teaching staff was on average 3-4 days at the receving institution. Before the mobility takes place, the content and the targets of the teaching programme were agreed on and commonly established in reagard of the personal aim and major subject in aliiance with the host universities' needs. The students who are taught are in the first study cycle Bachelor and in the second one, Master programme. The number of students attending the classes varies and differs from university to university. These mobilitiy activities encourage the teaching staff to repeat their mobility within the same university in order to strenghten their relationship with this university and to deepen their gained experience. These mobilites are beneficient for the teaching staff as they are able to getting to know other university structures and teaching methods and exchange experiences with and at other partner universities within the ERASMUS+ teaching mobility programme. Strong relationships and connections within the partner universities are consequently built and further developped. The teaching staff is overall excited by the possibility to be able to visit other partner universities and countries and experiencing other teaching methods and getting to know other structures and processes. These worthy experiences and inspiration as well as the personal and professional working and teaching experience gained by these exchanges are being adapted to their teaching at the HDMK Stuttgart. Their students benfit also from their particular teacher's mobility and teaching exchange. Students from the partner universities in turn are also motivated and inspired to spend an exchange at the HDMK or even wish to enroll as full time degree seeking student in order to benefit from the experiences and possibilities at the HDMK and with the requested teacher they got to know already as guest professor. Through these joint mobilities not only the teaching staff build a strong network and deepen the international connection also the foreign offices and vice presidents secure a well and regular comminuication with each other and therefore strengthen the international relations. The HDMK Stuttgart as host university lives the international spirit and enables the"internationalization at home" by offering regular and constant exchange mobilities for teaching. The main targets of the HDMK regarding the realization and active implementation of these ERASMUS + exchanges and mobilities for teaching staff and students are to strenghen and to further develop the reputation and profile of the university and to enable that the university is both nationally and internationally connected. The participation in such mobility programmes enables the lecturer as well as the studnets to develop and to strengthen their artistic, their vocational, professional and intercultural competencies and skills. In this way the academic staff and students are being developed and well educated in order to being comeptitive in an international environment.
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