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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project supported the mobility of 4 BA students at Bard College Berlin to partner universities: 1 student for one year at Sciences Po Paris, 2 students for 1 semester at Sciences Po Paris, and 1 student for 1 year at University College Amsterdam. The students are all completing a BA degree in Liberal Arts, and concentrate in a humanities field (Ethics and Politics or Art and Aesthetics). Students pursued courses fulfilling advanced modules in their degree. Two students undertook courses in French, whereas their main degree programme is in English. Students achieved equivalent learning outcomes to the advanced modules in the BA at their home institution, and successfully transferred these credits toward their degree. Longer-term benefits include the enhancement of their academic profile through study abroad at (for the politics students) a large research institution in the social sciences with a strong theoretical and philosophical framework in the range of courses provided, and at a liberal arts college (Amsterdam) connected with a research institution. Thesis projects undertaken by the students during their final year at Bard College Berlin were influenced by the courses and materials addressed in the semester or year abroad, and the experience also increased their qualification for MA and PhD study, for which all four students have now applied.
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