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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus+ project 2014 supported the first cohort of students of the Two-Subject-Bachelor who have an integrated mobility window in their curriculum. In the fall semester 2012/13, the University of Vechta introduced a mobility window for every degree program (for BA programs in the 5th semester, for MA programs in the 3rd sememster). Consequently, every student at the University of Vechta has the possibility through the integrated mobility window in her/his curriculum of studying abroad now. A central structural impediment was abolished by this measure which is managed in the general examination regulations. The University of Vechta offers degree courses like e.g. teaching degree for primary and lower secondary schools and social work whose students are traditionally not very mobile as shown in surveys Europe-wide. The raised figures demonstrate that this measure could contribute effectively to a stronger willingness to 'stay abroad’ among the students of Vechta. To stimulate a stay abroad, the University of Vechta further expanded its partnerships. The partnerships of the university mainly emerge from academic contacts of its lecturers. The university lecturers use these contacts to teach at the partner university and to strengthen the academic exchange with their colleagues. The number of lecturers interested in teaching abroad has increased.
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