Search for European Projects

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 2, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participation in such projects should be integrated in the Institution's modernisation and internationalisation strategy and should be based on a specific needs analysis. The foreseen results of any participation in cooperation projects should be sustainable and balanced and should, therefore, lead to future development of the Institution's international involvement. In particular, institutions should make decisions about the strategic partnerships which they intend to form, by taking into account geographical and subject area priorities and the institutional capacity to participate actively and implement the project outcomes Participation in such international projects should be seen as an important aspect of the professional development of the staff and of the modernisation of the Institution and should, therefore, be considered a key component in staff evaluation. Internationalization has become a key parameter for universities worldwide. It is beneficial in the fields of research and higher education. The strategy for internationalization at KBU lays down a systematic approach for strengthening the international dimensions of education and research at KBU. It is governed by a vision, strategic goals, priorities, and criteria for future efforts. Through student and researcher exchange as well as other forms of scientific cooperation the quality of re-search and teaching is improved, cross-cultural understanding and global orientation is enhanced and new potentials for growth are established.KBU graduates find work in the public and private sector as search specialists, information specialists, knowledge managers, architects, engineers, cultural communicators and educators among others.

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