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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within this project AUBG has implemented the following activities: 17 outbound and 27 inbound student mobility, 3 outbound and 9 inbound staff mobility for training, 1 inbound staff mobility for teaching. The objective of this project was to increase internationalization of students and staff at AUBG and provide adequate support and assistance to all outbound and inbound participants. The main aim was to improve the managing of the Erasmus+ program at AUBG and increase the quality and quantity of the offered services, activities, events, workshops, trainings, information sessions to all outbound and inbound participants. As a result of this project 100% of the outbound students and staff were very satisfied or rather satisfied with their mobility experience in general and 80 % of the inbound students were rather satisfied or very satisfied with the academic mentoring and administrative support arrangements in AUBG. Participating in the Erasmus+ program gives the participants the chance to improve their personal & professional skills and employability, to broaden their academic & job horizons, to improve their language skills, to experience different culture, to improve their CV and the chance to meet new friends & colleagues etc. All the outbound participants shared their experience and the results of their Erasmus+ mobility with the students and staff of AUBG.
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