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High volume manufacturing of photovoltaic products (HIGHSOL)
Start date: Sep 1, 2007, End date: Aug 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project highSol aims at the transformation of innovative manufacturing concepts on a laboratory scale into the full industrial scale. The result will be the demonstration of technologies which will enable the mass manufacturing of Photovoltaic products with a serious reduction of manufacturing costs.The objectives are:- Demonstrating the automated manufacturing of Photovoltaic products based on thin wafers with a thickness of 150µm.- Increasing and maintaining the overall yield with the implementation of in-process quality control and feedback systems.- Demonstrating the manufacturing integration with the implementation of interfaces which will serve for future standards.The objectives will be reached by the following approach:Saving feedstock, by enabling manufacturing of 150µm wafer with a wafer size of 210*210mm, will enable a direct cost reduction of 25%. As the envisaged cost reduction in Photovoltaic industry is 5% per year, this action alone will provide European Photovoltaic industry.
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