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Hidden History - Kriegsinvaliden im ersten Wetkrieg
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Which future has the past? Historical events are barely comprehensible for young people today. Even the fall of the wall, which will mark this year for the 27th time affect boys and girls in Germany no longer personally. The First World War and the Second World War are still much more in the past. Historic venues, buildings, streets have disappeared or are disappearing. (Theater, developing an exhibition, documentation, producing films, listen to music or making music from this time etc.) Projects and other forms of engagement with history can open up access to events which happened a long time ago. During World War I, from 1915 there was an exchange of hardly injured, very handicapped soldiers between the Russian Empire and the German Empire. Sassnitz on the island Rügen was an important hub. Austria –Hungary came to this Agreement as well. This story, like many other events in the first world war were completely forgotten, they were covered by many other historical events that occurred after the end of the first world war. Many documents could still be found in archives such as, the city archive of Sassnitz or not far from Kingisepp (seat of the partner organization) in Saint Petersburg.In the Ethnography Museum Kingisepp there are only a few informations about the 1st World War. Teenagers have their knowledge about the war only from textbooks. Much has remained so unknown. The First World War was an important event in the life of people in the St. Petersburg area. To discover the history would also mean to present the activities of the Women Committee, who helped the wounded and sick soldiers, war invalids and their families. These pages of history of the city of Kingisepp are unknown. Biographies as Elsa Brandström and Paul Wittgenstein also open up a new approach to this period. During the youth exchanges the stories could be rediscovered and shown how despite all acts of war, a cross-border cooperation, a humanistic action was possible. On the occasion of the commemoration of the outbreak of war in 1914 and the beginning of the exchange of disabled soldiers, invalids, in 1915 is the theme “Hidden History – the first world war and the exchange of disabled soldiers” at authentic places and real locations a good possibility to rediscover the situation in the past. In the analysis and examination of history adolescents are able to extend their historical knowledge and also take a look or discuss at the current political situation and the current situation between Europe and Russia. This also gives a good posibility for young people to deal with a variety of methods for to get deeper in the context, like Visits of museums and archives, writing and drawing course, learning new languages – Lormen and sign language and surviving vocabulary – presentation of experts, picturing the experiences and lessons, role plays and exercises, among others help should grasp the situation of the wounded and invalids better, Young people with or without a handicap (the sighted and the blind, hearing and deaf persons) had the opportunity to deal with "Hidden History" in an intercultural context. Unlike many international youth meetings, intercultural communication also means sign language and manual alphabet (talking gloves) has been extended. Issues that were affecting, identity / intercultural skills are also important, such as: Who am I? Where am I from? Who are the other and where they come from? This also to promote discussion of stereotypes and to improve team building, which was conveyed by means of creative methods. Results of the meetings are a documentation, which was developed by the young people and contains many original drawings with short texts. As part of the closing event in Sassnitz this was presented. Young people have worked out for their audiences a program that introduced the theme of the meetings by means of short scenes and songs and this made the internationality and actuality of treated questions clearly.
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