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Start date: Jul 20, 2015, End date: Jul 19, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our schools don't have subjects and practices for clothing of the disabled. The traineeships of the students in the enterprises aren't sufficient for the training either. The number of the enterprises designing and manufacturing this type of clothes is highly scarce even in the biggest city of Turkey, Istanbul that is the center of trade and fashion. If our students have a qualified training in this sector with high business potential, they will be easily employed. In the case of that our project is approved, it will provide the training of the qualified personnel required by this sector and the participants will be able to overcome their incompetence related to the professional issues and practices. A student, who can design and sew clothes for the disabled, won't have difficulty in finding a job. The aim of the project is to procure the participants to observe the practices in clothing of the disabled in Europe, to make the vocational schools attractive, to raise the quality of education, to emphasize on the student-traineeship-industry unity, to contribute to meeting the need for qualified personnel, to pioneer the other schools, to search for a permanent solution to the clothing problem of the disabled and to make the participants individuals who are self-confident and entrepreneurial, have a good command of a foreign language and don't discriminate people because of their religion, race and gender. The students from Clothing and Manufacture Technology Branch will benefit from the project. The project will be carried out by 36 participants for 2 week as 4 flows in 4 different countries. One accompanying teacher will help the students under age for each flow. The activities abroad will also consist of visits to the vocational schools, institutes, fashion houses, associations for the disabled and textile factories. The visual materials prepared specially for clothing of the disabled will be benefited while carrying out the project. A certain and organized design and manufacture method will be developed to truly contribute to clothing of the disabled. The path to be followed for that purpose will be the problem determination, data collection, assumption and relevant estimates, controlled analysis and status evaluation of the designs as a conclusion. The expected results of the project are attracting the attention of the fashion designers, providing the employment of the participants and youth, contribution to the transfer of the practices in Europe to our country, receiving the support of the industry sector in our region, improving the foreign language skills, self-confidence and entrepreneurial spirit of the participants and creating an environment of intercultural dialogue and information exchange.
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4 Partners Participants