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Helicopter Drag Prediction using Detached-Eddy Simulation (HELIDES)
Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Reduction of aerodynamic drag is central to the ACARE 2020 goal of reducing fuel consumption in air transportation. For rotorcraft, the majority of the drag occurs due to extensive flow separation around the fuselage and rotor hub. Such highly unsteady flows present significant challenges for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques in terms of solution fidelity and computational expense.However, a new family of hybrid RANS/LES techniques addresses this conflict by mixing pure modelling (RANS) and partial resolution (LES) of the turbulent motion to provide an optimal tradeoff between solution fidelity and computational cost. Of these, the well-established detached-eddy simulation (DES) method has been selected for the HELIDES simulations due to its high maturity and inherent suitability. Through participation in numerous EU projects (e.g. FLOMANIA, DESider, ATAAC), the consortium has developed a very high level of expertise with the development and application of these methods, including to helicopter fuselage simulation. The HELIDES consortium has furthermore played a central role in the implementation and validation of cutting-edge DES methods in an efficient, incompressible, unstructured CFD solver that can capture complex geometries with rotating components. Furthermore, novel analysis techniques for the quantification of the random error in statistical quantities provides a pragmatic means to manage the significant problem of finite simulated time samples.With these well-suited tools and expertise, together with access to very large computing resources, the HELIDES consortium considers itself ideally equipped to perform the demanding high-fidelity simulations specified by the Call."
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