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Heimat - Homeland - Memleket Die Bedeutung von Heimat für junge Menschen in einem transkulturellem Europa.
Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Mar 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

60 young people from Germany, the Republic of Ireland, Turkey as well as some from Syria and Afghanistan, who are unchaperoned and under-age, get together for a 10-day encounter to discuss the topic of “homeland”.Most of them live under socially deprived conditions and have a migrant background.The project aims at motivating the young people to critically deal with the topic of „home“ while experiencing the gains of a transcultural society that is to be represented here in a protected and fair environment. While their governments’ attitudes towards refuge, migration and liberty diverge drastically, we want to create an atmosphere that allows a peaceful and tolerant coexistence apart from unqualified discussions and spin. Background context are - among others - the ongoing migration flows to Europe and the question of successful integration in the destinations respectively as part of the challenges the EU has to face. Having refugees among the participants is also to overcome cultural bias or potential fears. Finally, the project aims at growing together as a European community.Activities as well as methods vary from working in large groups to working in small groups or in national teams. The didactic concept applied derives from non-formal education and is based on voluntary, holistic and process-oriented commitment. It is the young people’s own initiative and creativity that will be asked for when dealing with their own as well as foreign cultural habits and values. Here sports, theatrical and outdoor activities have proved successful since they require soft skills such as tolerance, team-work or respecting one another, which are also demanded in the professional career. By encountering other young people, European as well as intercultural contexts will be made directly accessible and might help to deal with one’s own situation more easily. The programme attached contains more differentiated information on the outline. The overall aim of the project is to give the young people guidance and motivation to develop working strategies to cope with their future in a better way. By discovering one’s own potential and abilities they will be encouraged to master personal as well as professional issues more effectively. Topics such as integration/inclusion, equality of opportunities, participation as well as sexual equality will also be discussed in this context. Participants are selected by the project partner according to gender as well as individual capability. A small number already participated in the project “strategies of empowerment in a shared Europe” last year and are to pass on their experience and ideas to the others. All participants will be informed about the topic in advance so that they can participate via their national supervisor before the preparation meeting in June 2016. The project’s long-term benefit lies in the participant’s experience to have taken part in a transcultural encounter and to incorporate the gains achieved into their everyday life.

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