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Heimat, fremde Heimat- Studienreise für Jugend- und SozialarbeiterInnen nach Samsun, Türkei
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

?Heimat, fremde Heimat? is the title of a study visit with a duration of five days to Samsun, Turkey. Similar to the TV-show with the same title, this study visit had the aim to encourage togetherness, cultural diversity and integration in Austria. However, it mainly focuses on youth work. Accordingly this study visit aimed at youth and social workers who have contact to young people in their daily work. In their everyday work they are repeatedly confronted with difficult subjects or situations such as double identities/ belonging, discussions and effects of Turkish politics in Austria or, very recently, jihadism and recruitment from foreign countries. The study visit enabled the participants to concentrate for a week on Turkey, its politics, cultural diversity and the social system; subjects that are relevant for their operational work in Austria. After a preparation phase in Austria the youth and social workers spent five days in Samsun where a diverse programme was awaiting them. Several establishments/ facilities such as youth centres, research institutes, cultural and religious places will be visited. Furthermore there will be the possibility to exchange experiences with representatives of these establishments, politicians, youth workers, minority representatives. After the study visit, having in mind all the things they have learnt and experienced, the participating youth and social workers will be able to face the challenges in their everyday work differently. A main aim of the study visit is a raised awareness of the participants. It promotes openness, unprejudiced and appreciative interaction and aims to counteract insecurities in dealing with migrant youth.
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