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Heimat Europa? Du ergreifst Partei.
Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

"Heimat Europa? Du ergreifst Partei!" is a youth-politics project, whose aim it was to make Europe a home for everyone. “Heimat” in German means much more than its translation in other languages. It does not only stands for fatherland, but for a place where we feel home, the place where our heart is. This means that a person can have more than one “Heimat”. The main idea is to make Europe a home for everyone – Italians, Germans, Polish, Greek and so on, as well as for people coming from other places around the world to live in Europe. 40 young people from Italy and Germany (20 of them with fewer opportunities) compared the differences of current policies in both countries, especially with regard to the topics migration and home country. The young people prepared the main event of the project, a project week in Italy, by conducting surveys on the political satisfaction in their countries among youngsters of all backgrounds to guarantee a broad range of opinions. During the project week the young people evaluated the results of the surveys and founded their own political party "European Horizon", with the aim of creating a Europe where everyone (for ex. Italians, Germans and also immigrants from other parts of the world) feel at home. Politicians from Germany, Italy and the EU were involved during all phases of the project. The youngsters involved came from very different social, economic and educational backgrounds (immigrational backgrounds, youngsters with drug experience and criminal attitudes, University students and blind youngsters) and showed during this project, that no differences matter, if only there is one common goal.

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