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HEATH - Heathland: Environment, Agriculture, Tourism and Heritage (HEATH)
Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: Aug 31, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lowland heathland is one of NW Europe’s quintessential historic landscape types, protected under the EU Habitats Directive. But the area covered by heathland has shrunk over the past 200 years, a decline which is continuing due to lack of management and dislocation between the landscape and the communities that live there. However, reform of Europe’s farming support mechanisms is leading to a renewed appreciation of heathland’s economic and social value. The objective of the three year, 4.9 euro HEATH project is to create a sustainable development model for lowland heathland areas. The project’s transnational partners will use best practice demonstration examples from across the region to inform the development of a ‘tool kit’. This will aid practitioners, communities, decision–makers, stakeholders in efforts to develop lowland heathland in ways that also involve local communities and promote economic growth through for example tourism and agriculture. Target outcomes include better grazing access to 6000 ha of NW European heathland, the consolidation of fragmented and abandoned sites under community ownership and the sustainable management and control of invasive plant species across 372 ha. Achievements: The main conclusion is that there is a long term future for heathlands. There are a number of financial opportunities to generate income from heathland management which have yet to be realised, but even so it is unlikely that it will ever be self financing again; some degree of public funding is essential. As recreation is one of the main uses of heathland now this does not seem unreasonable but it will require careful engagement with the public if it is to be achieved openly and for the long term
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  • 47.6%   2 358 569,00
  • 2000 - 2006 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants