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Healthy lifestyle for aging well
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Population ageing is a long-term trend, which began several decades ago in the EU. As a result, the EU will, in the coming decades, face a number of challenges associated with an ageing society, which will have an impact on a wide range of areas (labour markets, pensions, provisions for health care etc.). Population change and the structure of the population are gaining importance in the political, economic, social and cultural context of demographic behaviour. One of the fields that is, and will be even more affected by the population ageing in the upcoming years, is the health care system, and that is why it is necessary (for the long term stability of the health care system) that people have the best possible chance to remain healthy, and stay active and independent as they become older. One of the crucial roles in this effort will be assigned to nurses and that is why it is important to raise awareness among them and among the students of nursing, as they represent the future of this profession. It is important that we enable them to obtain and share knowledge, ideas and examples of good practice on this topic with students, lectures and other experts from different EU countries and institutions. It is also essential to raise awareness among the elderly and to actively promote and enable them to be as literate and active in healthy lifestyle as possible. Based on these facts and with these goals in mind, a partnership of four HE institutions was formed: The College of Nursing in Celje, Slovenia (coordinator); Medical University of Lublin, Poland; University of Oulu, Finland and Cooperativa de La Superior Politecnico e Universitário – CESPU, Portugal and tried to make a difference. This project offered an international and interdisciplinary (nursing, medicine, sociology, psychology, physiotherapy, social gerontology and occupational therapy) approach in highlighting the importance of healthy lifestyle for aging well. The maint target groups, which were included in the project activities were the nursing students, higher education teachers and researchers and the elderly. In addition to these, the project also addressed other interested parties who wished to obtain and share knowledge, ideas, practical experience and examples of good practice from the areas under consideration among different institutions (especially higher education institutions) and different countries. The project offered the opportunity for 36 students and 22 lectures to travel and study/teach and join the intensive study programme in Slovenia and gain non-formal intercultural skills. 18 Slovenian students also took part in this project and attended intensive study progarmme and 5 lecturers of College of nursing in Celje conducted lecturers during both intensive study progarmmees. We also invited experts to contribute to the IP courses. Aditionally students and lecturers took part in the project via virtual mobility with the help of new information and communication technologies. And about 450 elderly were involved in project activities, mainly in research activities, IP and activities for raising awarrenes. Research activities that were carried out during the project enabled students of nursing to critically and analytically research this important field and to be able to compare and transfer knowledge, ideas and examples of good practices among different countries. Lectures that conducted lecturers during IP provided expert knowledge on the topic. Workshops and fieldworks for students enabled students contribution and encouraged their active involvement. Organized social and physical activities with the elderly and students of nursing were implemented to socialize and to enable students to promote healthy lifestyle of the elderly and transfer knowledge about healthy lifestyle. Project outputs and results had an impact on raised awareness on this thematic filed, strengthened partnership of partner institutions, quality of learning, greater international mobility of students and lecturers, greater opportunities for students of nursing. The main outputs and results of the project are: Web portal, five new optional subjects offered at each partner institution, recommendation for future work in this field, guidelines for ethical care for the elderly, guidelines for development of new programmes for healthy lifestyle of the elderly, DVD with recorded physical activity for the elderly (with recommendations and instructions). A lot of effort was devoted to evaluate the project and its results and as well to dissemination activities with which we tried to reach as many member of target gropus as possible. And moreover we made an effort to disseminate the results to local government and general public to raise awareness among people at a greater scale. We aimed that the project produced and offered long term benefits such as recommendations for future work in this field, newly developed guidelines, new optional subjects and Web portal.

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