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Healthy EU
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nowadays people often sit while working, move with car and eat and drink more and more unhealthy things than they need. We already pay huge amounts of money for nursing physical and mental problems of these people. European people live longer but can be even in worse condition than before. The main way to influence this development is influencing our youngsters. At the moment they move too little, eat too much unhealthy food, smoke, drink too much alcohol, play too much with computers and sleep too little.With the results of our project we will solve how we can best influence the present situation. First we will measure output level of our participants with fitness tests and with some questionnaires. During the project mobile devices and programs are used together with different questionnaires to inspire project candidates to improve their life quality. Statistical data is created same time as we will create internet platforms where people can get to know our work and to inspire each other to move more, eat healthier, use less alcohol, stop smoking and sleep better. We will also create internet platform for physical education teachers to share good practices. Our work involves also cooperation with youth offices in different countries. They will compare functions and practices to support problematic youngster in different countries.All the tests, questionnaires and functions are implemented in all participating countries to find out differences between different parts of EU and to find out which national practices have improved situations best. After getting the results we will share them in our internet platforms. Countries involved into this three year project are Finland, Germany, Poland, Czech, Italy and Spain. During the three year project we will properly see differences between starting and the end points of our work.With the help of our internet platforms our work will continue also after the project. People will find good practices to improve teaching, guiding youngsters and while sharing experiences participants of the platforms will support each other into better life quality. All the time during our project we will follow our candidates who will also themselves keep diary on our internet platforms. How they move and eat together with other relevant lifestyles. During our project we will investigate different good ways of eating and to do sports. We will also concentrate other aspects affecting life like smoking, sleeping, social relationships etc. We will study how people living in different countries think about these things. What are differences and similarities. During this study we will meet other people from different cultures and same time unite our communities and European Union. During our project our experts will guide our participants into better life quality with the help of our studies. All the time our participants are examined and in the end of our project we will collect all info we have gathered so far and examine progress with our topics. With the help of the work our participants will achieve important results during our three years work: How youngsters live nowadays in different countries and how we could influence their life quality now and in the future.One of our main goals is also youth work. Youth workers can choose outcast candidates who will most best benefit our three years work. In this way we will try to decrease exclusion of our youngsters living in worse situations.Suonenjoki Upper Secondary School in Finland is the main coordinator. In other town is also local coordinators responsible of local areas. In addition at least 10 staff people per town are working with the project.We will have 6 mobilities during our project. To all mobilities will participate about two staff people and 6 students. So - all together about 288 people will meet abroad face to face foreign people from different cultures. Indirectly our project will influence thousands of other people.Our aim is to influence health of people far into the future!
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5 Partners Participants