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Start date: Oct 19, 2016, End date: Apr 18, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Training course within the framework of #healthie project will be held on the August 23 - 30, 2016 in Tarsus / Mersin / Turkey. 27 youth workers from 9 different countries will participate the project. 3 trainers and 3 support staff will be active in the training.To increase awareness of youth workers on healthy life issue and devoloping strategies on applying healthy life activities within youth work are the main aims of the project. Besides the activities of spreading healthy and sportive life knowledge and activities of increasing of the recognition of non-formal education, Utalizing of information and communication technologies and bringing solutions for technology addiction are also among main goals of the project.The project which has ''Move for the Healthy Life, Take a #healthie'' motto will be organized together with Turkey, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Spain. Non-formal education methods will be applied within the project duration and outdoor activities and information communication technologies will be used. During the project, experiential learning methods will be supported with participant focused activities.The project, will contribute the increasing of healthy life activities in the local and more youth work support from local authorities in a short period of time. It is planned to produce new projects and to realize sustainability activities by means of spreading the results and project outputs in Europe-wide. Especially for reaching the disadvantaged groups with identifing the strategies, it is aimed to spread the project impact among wider audience for a long time of period, and contribute youth with limited advantages to get advantage of the European opportunities.
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