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HBM Home Budget Management
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Union, as well as the whole world, is in a very difficult economic situation. Almost all countries have to cope with the crises and their citizens have to deal with a new, demanding, financially difficult situation. Additionally, the societies of Europe are facing another problems; aging of the society, increasing number of people ending education very early in their lives, reducing provisions by the State and employers. On the other hand young people have to deal with this financially difficult situation and the are not prepare to it, schools don’t take the financial education much in consideration. The majority of people have a serious lack of knowledge about planning their finances and about the financial matters. The necessity of financial education is becoming more and more obvious in all European countries as living in the circumstances of globalization, ICT growth and overwhelming inflow of new, completely innovative goods becomes more and more demanding for customers. The financial goods are changing and a variety of new products is introduced on the market every month, every week or even every day. People have to deal with debt traps, banks have a variety of offers for customers which are so complicated that without any knowledge about finances we risk losing our money. The project is based on needs analysis in partner's countries and is suitable for different fields - is cross fields as nobody can be completely up to date with the financial matters and the people 50+, are in the worst position as for them, born more than 50 years ago that flow of modern technologies is very difficult to follow. They feel confused and often lost in innovations. They have never been taught how to manage their finances, how to calculate their pension, how to economize. The situation is also difficult when taking into account young people and students. Although, they know a lot about ICT devices there knowledge about finances is really poor, schools do not prepare them to this challenge. The project support the development of innovative ICT- based content for lifelong learning in terms of financial education, digital competence across the sectors. HBM project fosters the uptake of ICT for learning in education and training systems, including open and distance learning and open educational resources. This universal subject – the financial education is applicable to many sectors almost in the same shape, the need are the same for students, youth, adults, seniors. The aim of the project is to improve the level of competences and skills ( also key competences economic and financial literacy, ICT, digital) by developing e-course (tutorials) to teach people how to take responsibility for their financial future, how to gain financial independence taking into consideration the following issues: understanding the concept of money, financial needs through life, including retirement, the concept of money, management in the short, medium and long term, the meaning and consequences of saving and borrowing, debt, how to manage it and avoid difficulties, the concept of investment.The project will enhance the ICT uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and access to OER. The main and final objective of that project is to create the modules Home Budget Management. To reach this objective the following activities are planned within the main phases of the project: preparation, implementation, monitoring, dissemination and evaluation. Project main phases: 1. the research conducted in the partnership countries with the aim to find some basic characteristics that should be included in those modules in the area of financial aspects of the people lives, then the data will be compared and a common approach will be build to the modules. 2. partners meetings, during which the results of research will be discussed, next work will be planned, 3. short term joined staff trainings - on financial education - 2 trainings with involvement of experts within financial education, 4. The creation of the content for e -modules ( probably 5-6 e-modules) on financial education (understanding the concept of money, financial needs through life including retirement, the concept of money, management in the short, medium and long term, the meaning and consequences of saving and borrowing, debt, how to manage it and avoid difficulties) 5. transformation of e-modules into e-learning
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1 Partners Participants