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Haydi Herkes için Ayağa ! / Stands For All!
Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

THE BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT ''Stands For All! '' project is providing mobility opportunities for young people and carried out under the coordinatorship of Middle East Technical University(METU) Alumni and with the collaboration of Lithuania, Romania and Sweden ’. The project main idea is based on raising awareness about active citizenship and encourage young people to participate in active citizenship issues. According to the national and worldwide researches, tendency of being active citizen is clearly very low. We believe in that by means of effective democratic association and extending of accurate attitude and behavior among young people will enhance the awareness about active citizenship. The Time Of The Project: In total, our project will take 7 months and as a part of the project, there will be a mobility of young people aiming preparation, evaluation and dissemination activities last 7 days. Target Groups: - 21 participants and 6 leaders from Turkey, Lithuania, Romania and Sweden are initial target groups of our project. -By means of dissemination activities, many of local, national and Europe-wide non-governmental organizations and young people are also target groups of the our project. PROJECT OBJECTİVES - Our project main objective is as all participants, getting awareness about democratic practices and dissemination of these achievements. What are the accurate attitude and behavior enable us to enhance our democratic culture and most importantly what are the wrong attitudes, behaviors and rigid thoughts that keep us from being constructive, active, participants and sensitive. - We would like to show all participants that great solutions of all big problems are starting with designation of them and accomplished with the many small steps. That is the reason behind having awareness about society’s issues and believe in the power of collaboration. - Whether we are doing or being exposed to We aim to specify and get rid of prejudice, discrimination and all behaviors being racist, sexist or contains homophobic rhetorics. THE METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECT -The primary method that we will use in our project on the issue of active citizenship will be the usage of digital story telling methods (DST) which is based on pictures, texts, records and videos produced and collected by participants during the all activities in order to getting awareness and having dissemination of our project. EXPECTED RESULTS -We aim to create awareness about the following issues. Values: *Cultural Diversity/Multiculturalism *Democracy and Human Rights *Gender Equality *The Quality Of Life and Environment Skills: -We aim to get our participants adopt competence in these issues *Organizing Activities *Defining Problems *Strategically Thinking *The design of the project and the guidance *Creating team spirit and in the issue of competence Information: In order to protect and improve the values mentioned above we aim to: -Be aware of the issues about gender -Achieve scientific information and analyzing it so that make it feasible. Behaviors: -We aim to enable participants to realize the diversity as wealth for society and driving force for innovations. -To bring them sense of responsibility and the ability of critical thinking -Having self-motivation and being able to motivate their partners. MAIN ACTIVITIES The activities in order to achieve our goal are briefly as follows First Stage Meetings: As all participants, knowing each other so that having great conversation and being open minded about all issues are so important. We will put these aims into practice by means of the following activities, *Name games *Ice breaking *Group building activities *Describing the project and having brainstorming *Describing the materials that will be used and the area where the project will be carried out. Second Stage At this stage of our project we will analyze the context and the details of active citizenship (the ideas which are wrong but known as truth and the missing points of our project) by providing our participants an interactive environment. Identified major problems about the projects and its missing points, information for solutions will be published on social media and mass media (digital story telling will be prepared and newspapers, fanzines will be published from collected materials during activities and travels). - Cultural and social activities, dissemination studies will be also practiced. Third Stage At this stage of our project, we will ask for the assessments of the participants both during our project and after finishing our project in order to see the achievements of our project .For this reason we will conduct a questionnaire and by this way, we can test the differences resulting from our projects.

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