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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

THERE İSN’T ANY HANDİCAP TO SHARE THE LİFE Our school is one of the İmam Hatip Secondary school in Tokat. Our School is a new one. We have 315 students, 22 teachers , 2 managers and 3 school staffs. We have 11 classrooms and an activity saloon. We have a physically disabled student a mentally disabled student in our school. We have different students in our school because there isn’t an exam which shows their knowledge level and abilities at the begining of the secondary school so their preperedness for learning are so different from each other.they come from different regions so there is an inequality among them both in socially and economically. Our 66 students come to our school from small villages of Tokat by transportation. We give lunch to our students at school because their homes are so far away from the school. We especially (basicly) need to improve our professional knowlege and abilities and also improve our academical success both of us and our students. We aim to provide our student a concordant social life and we want to help them about their exams which determine the high school they will go. We want to materialize this project to open a new point of view to our teachers and students and we want to prove they can manage to out run their abilities and they can always do better if they want. At this point we want to benefit from the knowlege and experiences of the europen countries. Our school’s basic need is improving our teachers knowlage and abilities about the obstacles who need special training and we need to know how can we do our best for them. Our intention is to raise our students to the highest level both academically and socially. It is extremely important the accumalition of knowlege and experiences which will have gained at the end of the project about attending the social life of our students and reducing the difficulties they can come across at social life. Our ten teachers will participate an education programme which will continue a week about the integration of the obstacles to the education. As a result of this programme there will be important developments about academical success of the disabled students who can be defined as obstacles. We want to supply social integretion of these students so they can internalize the social rules by themselves in an easy way. Our teachers can take place an essential role in improving the performance of our institution. At the end of the Project we will give information firstly to our school staff about gained education. we will share the gained information with our school staff and parents. And also some meetings and seminars will be organized about subject to teachers in our city by the approval of education headmaster of Tokat. Although in a short term our Project seems as if it’s a teachers’ Professional career work, It’s very important on account of the attained results. With this Project people will change their feelings positively about obstacles’ adaptation to social life right along with improving their academic success. We will get help from our school guidance service. To see whether our Project reach its goal or not . Our guidance service will evaluate obstacles by using different evaluation tests. And also at the end of the Project, gladness surveys will be applied to students, teachers, parents who attended meetings and seminars . at the end of the Project the results will be evaluated by our instutition and we will prepare a report about subject.
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