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"Having a theatre inside. An attempt of revendication of the theatre pedagogy innovate conceptions of theatre for children".
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description of projet: "Having a theatre inside. An attempt of revendication of the theatre pedagogy innovate conceptions of theatre for children". The project is based on the intercultural exchange. The partners will discover the various forms of theatre and will addapt them for the different age of their pupils. The cooperation with the institution from different cultures and the work with children in different ages will show that theatrical sensivity can be the field of agreement between all countries and nations. Children will work together at the theatre workshops , in the same time, get to know new friends and learning tolerance and cooperation with peers from other countries. Teachers will discover new forms of theatre which will be used in work with pupils in their schools. Context of the project International cooperation with partners through the various forms of theatre so that teachers and pupils can have a Chance to discover cultural and historical diversity of countries. The project will also examine how the introduced teatrical technics influence creativity and personal development of the children aged 4-14. Horizontal priority • Enhancing the quality of early childhood education and care. • Developing basic and transversal skills using innovative methods. The main goals of the project: • Theoretical knowledge about various forms of theatre: lectures by the specialists in the field of theatre. • Learning through practice: participation in different theatrical workshops and performances created by participants, • Development of interpersonal and language skills • Etablishing international cooperation • Preparation of common teaching materials • Edition of the publication in the form of book which will contain information about implementation of the innovatives forms in theatrical education • All materials during the workshops and trainings will be published in project website Research objectives and learning goals • Development the skills such as: creativity, imagination, emotional progress of the participants . - Disovering the new forms of theatre - Motivate the pupils to express the emotions through theatre. - Teachers training about implementation the teatrical forms developed by partner’s organisations. - Motivate and suport the teachers in implementation of those forms in practise. • Number and types of participants: Institution from six countries which are: Poland, Croatia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Portugal and Lithuania. • Description of the actions: Project is divided in 6 topics: 1. Drama in education, 2. Shadow theatre, 3. Phisical and Pantomima Theatre, 4.Theatre of the music,5. Theatre of imaginationa, 6. Myths and folk tales in theatre for children. Each partner will disseminate project and theatrical forms through internet, festivals, conferences. • Expected results: etablish the partners from others countries, teaching materials, exchange of experience, the new teatrical forms which can be used in work with children. Results : increasing theatrical skills, international cooperation, implementation of the theatrical technics in work with children, make children sensitive to the diversities in the world . Posters that promote the project, films and multimedia presentations online for all institutions taking part in the project. Long term benefits: etablish long term cooperation, increase awarenes of children. Educationals materials prepared by teachers, which will be published on website , the book published in English language : „ The theatre is present inside of us the methods of implementation the innovative technics in theatrical education”.” Lasting benefits: Teaching materials such as: • 72 scenarios related to various forms of theatre. They will be used in work with children aged 4-14 from our schools • 36 DVD records with the performences realised in innovative theatrical forms • 2000 pieces of the book in English language. • WWW website„ Having a theatre inside”. • Website Internet forum, Social media Facebook- „ Having a theatre inside” • . Electronic Bulletin Video clips- „ The theatre is present inside of us” • Project base – placing the project and its results in European ADAM, EVE, EST. • Posters that promote the project, multimedia presentations online for all institutions taking part in the project, and sending the project to all befriend schools of the participants of the project. Projekt tworzony jest przez profesjonalistów i nauczycieli chcących odkryć nowe formy teatralne. The introduction of the book will be written by the experts in the field of theatre :-professor Vlado Klavic from Croatia, -Miss Anna Sieroń- a lecturer at Uniwersytet Jagielonski in Cracow, -Mr Krzysztof Kryger the lecturer and a actor in Theatr of Groteska in Cracow, Ivan Slavic – partner from Croatia.

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