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"Határon innen, határon túl..."
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of our project, “Határon innen, határon túl…”, is to build international relationships and make our competence stronger, to exchange practical experiences and to improve our language skills within mother-tongue environment. 6 nursery teachers from the Perkáta ÁMK Szivárvány Nursery took part in the project, they are similar in spirituality, as well as being open, innovative and they continuously inspiring each other. They are all leaders of a certain area in the life of the nursery. They are already very well trained in their respective fields and constantly improve themselves however possible. The most important goal for our kindergarten is to educate children so they can become well balanced, happy and an important part of their community. The project consists of three job shadowings and two language courses abroad. On the occasion of job shadowing mobility we visited two Transylvanian and a Slovakian educational institution with children between the ages of 3 and 7. The language courses took place in Germany and the United Kingdom. During the project we built up more relationships with foreigners, institutions and civil organizations, as well as this we learnt about the culture and educational systems of other countries. During these activities our competency has developed, our methodological knowledge solidified; furthermore, it gave us more confidence on the new experiences gained abroad. In the job shadowing mobility, 5 of our leader nursery teachers took part working together with more leaders from specialist institutions, who gained knowledge in their fields and became acquainted with several likeminded individuals. Because of the language courses, the participating kindergarten teachers´ knowledge in the learnt language grew exponentially. The project provided an opportunity for our kindergarten´s and our town´s name to become widely recognized and it gave us a chance to introduce ourselves and our expertise beyond the borders of Hungary. It was very important to us that the obtained experiences were transmitted to a wider environment based on our dissemination’s plan. We were privileged at the very opportunity of this application. We have had similar chances in the past, however we believe this time the goal is reachable. We also possess the optimal background for this. Since we found the Erasmus+ KA1 application and we have seen the chance accomplishing it, and everyone was waiting anxiously for the tasks. The participating colleagues were honoured that they were included in the project. Everybody was preparing devotedly and enthusiastically to perform their tasks. The long-term effect of the project was to be a wider array of recognition, more confident and creative teachers who will be able to create harmony and above all have a good effect for the environment. The connection between teachers and children is improving, the children are becoming happier, the teachers are more satisfied. The parents have a greater acceptance and appreciation towards our facilities and their children’s character is improving. Our target at the end of the application was that all of our participants were to be satisfied, their targets realized and their newest plans achieved, also regarding the future, more combined tasks and activities can be a possibility. We are already thinking about new plans and ideas for the future, as took this journey to the next stage and our 2016 project has been successful. Last but not least we say thank you to the colleagues of Tempus Közalapítvány (Tempus Fund) for providing us with the necessary information as well as the help that they have kindly given already. Also thank you to our international partners for presenting the possibility and giving us a chance of visiting, exchanging information, and viewing their lives. And finally, a big thank you to all those people who have stood by us throughout this time even if it was only a friendly thought. “We live for those, whom we love, who hold us true, we live for the future: for beauty, for good, and for what we can do.” (Széchenyi István)

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