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The goal of the project is to develop the Hungarian and Croatian cross-border tourist zone and encourage crossborder cooperation. The cross-border wine tourist zone gained an opportunity for joint presentation possibilities thus increasing the zone´s market possibilities as well as sale indicators of companies operating in the region. By improving the professional competencies and infrastructure, the winemakers´ chances for market success have increased, consequently increasing the tourism attractiveness of this region. Achievements: Project results included the establishment of a gene bank, reconstruction project of ancient wine cellars of the Letenye wine region, organization of professional consulting days and a study tour, procurement of equipment, preparation of a wine competition, development of project documentation for a wine house, planning of wineroute tours, upgrading of the marking system for wine-tourism destinations in the Zala wine region, preparation of informational material including tourist maps, organization of a traditional vineyard festival, updating of the website. Implementation of the project activities enabled and strengthened the development of viticulturists, winemakers, other wine tourism related service providers as well as all other stakeholders of this sector from both sides of the border.
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  • 70.5%   82 381,27
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants