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Hasta ve Yaşlı Bakım Hizmetleri
Start date: Jun 30, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Old age brings the ilnesses and the caring necessity with it. The ratio of the elderly population within the total population in our country is demonstrated with statistical studies. According to TUİK’s 2009 data over 60-year-old elderly population is 5.083.414 its ratio is %7 within the total population.According to the 2013 data it reaches 8,637,298 and %11.3. However, with the process of change in society parallel to urbanization in our country extended family begin to transform to the nuclear family. Women's participation in business life, causes problems in patient care. In addition, patients care is a training ground that is directly affected from the development of scientific, technological progress.That creates the need for new research to be done and new effective professionals to be educated. In recent years in our country, paralel to the laws of the European integration 5579 numbered 'Social Services and Child Protection Agency Law Amending the Law' was adopted on 01.02.2007. With the new regulations the state decided to take on the costs of disabled people and elderly in need of care. The only thing that is forgotten in all of this regulations is the lack of qualified personnel. Thus instead of traditional care services, specialized individuals who have reached the required competencies are needed. For these reasons our project aims to train staff who do the sick and elderly care services. The activity includes 7 people to the Czech Republic, 7 people to the Netherlands, 14 participants in total. 5 people among the administers and teachers of the consortium's coordinator school Hasköy Kız Teknik ve Meslek Lisesi and 3 people from the consortium's members Hasköy Halk Eğitim Merkezi ,Korkut ve Bitlis Necibe Gencer Kız Teknik ve Meslek lisesi are going to join the activity.We will catch the opportunity to recognize and evaluate the innovations similar and different applications in both countries. Our activities will consist of four main parts: 1- preparation: Project management and inspection teams will be formed, necessary agreements will be signed between the consortium members, The selection of participants will be done, Project planning and information meetings will be held, logistics related topicss (travel, accommodation, food, etc..) will be completed, 2- application: The sick and elderly care in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands will be carried out in the field of theoretical and practical training activities 3- evaluation: how the Project reaches its aims will be measured by means of objective assessment and required reports will be written and published. 4- generalization: seminars, conferences, courses will be organized in Mus and Bitlis provinces. social media, local and national media will be used, theater shows, leaflets and posters will be printed. Methodologies: In educational activities, active listening, active learning, demonstration, trips, observations and analysis techniques will be used. Selection of participants will be objective and verifiable.Market research on the logistical support is done and the most appropriate offer will be assessed. The results and the impacts of our project: 1-our participants will see practices and achievement in the field of sick and elderly care. 2- European integration will be provided and elderly care in both Turkey and Europen is examined, with the certificates that the beneficiars receive national and international vocational qualified staff will be trained. 3- Participants will increase their professional motivation and linguistic development, and cultural integration. 4- Staff is brought for the European labor markets. 5- As a result of the activity the training activities in the field of sick and elderly people in our institutions will be more qualified. Consequently qualified personel will be grown and this staff will appy modern techniques in the area of the sick and elderly care which helps the sick and elderly feel happy and peaceful from physical and mental aspects. 6- there is a great need for intermediate staff in this sector so the students will have the opportunity to be employed in an easy way. 7- because the sick and elderlt care services is just opened within the Kız teknik ve meslek lisesi, that provides the girls in our region to entry into the workforce and so the marriage of our very young girls problem is resolved.The rate of enrollment to the school among girls will be increased. Our Project will be implemented in the Czech Republic between the 12th and 25th of October 2014 and between the 12th and 25th of November 2014 in the Netherlands.

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