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Hasta Hakları Eğitiminde Avrupa Örneği
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ABSTRACT European’s Example Project In The Training Of Patient Rights Numbered 015-1-TR01-KA104-017900 In charge of organizing public educations for staff and in the field of patient rights Sivas Provincial Health Directorate; examination of European’s Example in the Training of Patient Rights, educational content and the investigation of models used in adult education, evaluation of the outputs directed application, the implementation of transfer of transferable novelties, improving the quality of educations which provided in our country, contributing to participants for recognition of different cultures and to learning of foreign languages, and also in our project which prepared in order to share the experiences gained; our trainers have been found in the training, implementation and monitoring activities 3 flowed and in 14- days, in Italy, Sweden and Germany found in which educational and health institutions at the same time with together our abroad partners. It have been made a notification to our workers for the selection of participants with an official writing and over the institutional website of our Directorate. It have been selected from among those with “Patients' Rights, Educational Certificates” by an interview. In total 9 trainer have been participated in the Project. Participants have been received relevant basic educations about national and international current situation on patients' rights, total quality and accreditation practices, the patient-health worker relationship models, the concept of patient and employee satisfaction, empathic listening, stress management, problem solving techniques, teamwork and on techniques for creating synergy. Participants examined the purpose, duties, authorities and functionings of units of the establishment of patients' rights and the councils of patients' rights in health care institutions in Europe. They have knowledge about the presentation techniques of adult education and in the preparation techniques of visual presentation materials. The participants were informed about vocational education and related health services in the host country. In the mean time they saw the working environment and rules, the implementations of patient rights and legal regulations in Europe. They met with people working in the same profession. They have participated in cultural excursions on weekends. Our participants had been found in pedagogical activity and in the social and cultural sharing. Our participants shared theirs knowledge and experiences they have acquired after abroad flows, with their colleagues health workers carrying out the same task in other provinces. To increase social awareness about patients' rights, they made the dissemination studies such as posters, brochures, booklets, questionnaires, press conferences, staff and public educations etc. They have been shared international experiences by contributing to the quality and standard of provision in health and patient rights’ educations between people and institutions. Our participants who are health workers increased theirs professional knowledge and equipments and decision-making abilities and self-confidences developed. Also they had been gained self-confidence and participative experience, recognised European Culture, accelerated theirs linguistic development through provided during the preparation and flow of cultural education and the excursions. Theirs quality have been documented that they won the right to receive with (Europass Mobility) national and international certificates after the education. Theirs quality promoted in personal and institutional sense. It have been taken steps to achieve the targets of health quality, lifelong learning, international experience and intercultural approchement by “European’s Example Project In The Training Of Patient Rights ”. 1st Flow:20.03.2016 - 02.04.2016 Italy 2nd Flow: 24.04.2016- -07.05.2016 , Sweden 3rd Flow: 01.05.2016 - 14.05.2016, Germany.
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3 Partners Participants