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Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology  (HINT)
Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

HINT is a NELI follow-up project whose main aim is to foster and enlarge transnational cooperation among stakeholders in the field of inland waterway transport, including education and training institutions, administrations and transport organizations in the South East Europe region. HINT capitalises existing results from NELI as well as other related projects or initiatives like EWITA (European Web Platforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway Transport), PLATINA (Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES) or EDINNA (Education in Inland Navigation) developed at pan-European level. HINT aims at establishing a unique harmonized theoretical and practical training system in inland navigation in the Danube Region, delivering support IT applications for Danube stakeholders, deploying elearning within the participating countries and creating the conditions for an IWT job promotion campaign throughout Danube region using the instruments developed in PLATINA so as to offer a better visibility of career opportunities in inland navigation. HINT comes as a response to the specific inland waterway transport issues highlighted by the Danube Commission and emphasized in the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region or Europe 2020 in terms of mobility of workforce and shortage of adequate personnel in the sector and implements the measures identified in the Transnational Action Plan drawn up within NELI such as the need for harmonized education and training standards, practical training possibilities (school ship or simulators), e-learning platforms and digital tools, set-up of Information and Training Centres to better promote the inland navigation sector, development of teaching materials and teachers, students exchanges and cooperation actions. In addition to this HINT also comes with unique and innovative solutions for: - fostering the use of advanced ICT to reduce the need to travel and replace physical mobility via its ADN self-assessment platform, the Danube Knowledge Network making use of various digital tools for cooperation, exchange and transfer of know-how between entities located thousands of km away from each other, the interactive exhibitions, multimedia and virtual reality elements set up on the Information and Training Centres; - raising awareness of ICT opportunities by the set up of eLearning platforms and deployment of IT applications and software, common use of training software; - establishment of partnerships between the education and training sector and local administrations for development of Information and Training Centres using ICT solutions for promotion of inland navigation and opportunities therein, thus allowing direct involvement of local administration in both the set up of these entities as well as future joint operation of same and opening new possibilities for enhancing the role of regional or local administrations; - promotion of career opportunities in inland navigation by means of a transnational job promotion campaign based on the tool-box developed in the PLATINA project and making extensive use of social media, websites or virtual exchanges during the national and transnational workshops organised during the campaign throughout the entire South East region. Last but not the least, HINT is following in the footsteps of a successful project in terms of transnational co-operation transcending national borders and cultural and ethnic differences, and maintenance of NELI consortium and addition of new valuable partners from local administration and the industry gives grounds to hope that NELI success story could be replicated. Achievements: Brochures, Info sheets, documents on Thematic Capitalisation and Multimodal Accessibility to Primary Networks can be found under:
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  • 85.4%   1 413 574,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

15 Partners Participants